A Six Pack for a Friend

@GPC2012 Making me hungry now, i have to eat some chips, lovingly prepared by the wife of course… :wink:


I drop a quote from my all time favorite SciFi, Babylon 5:

Vir, intelligence has nothing to do with politics! ~ Londo


Well I’m in total shock. The package I sent on now get this Thursday is in Miami and going to be delivered today!. That’s about the fastest I’ve ever seen USPS move. Why doesn’t it go that fast coming this direction.


Were ya hoping it would steep more before getting to him…? lol

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Well that woulda been nice, a couple I sent have a DOB of 7/15 so a couple of them were good to go, not saying they wouldn’t be better if they steeped longer.

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Hostess Lemon Pie Ala Mode: lemon or lemon pies are not my thing at all. It’s 3 days old so needs steeping. Right now it tastes very lemon-y, with hints of the crust and some vanilla in there. It is already out of all lemon pie flavors the most tolerable even without steeping. After steeping it could become the first one of that type that I enjoy, and Ima heed your advise to let it steep. The misses agrees as well.

Midnight Fantasy: familiar? oh hell yes, and you changed it quite a bit. It’s a bit creamier, the bourbon on the exhale is more prominent, and the boysenberry was a nice change. I love it of course, and it’s the #2 top favorite of the misses. My favorite part? The exhale, I bet you agree with me on that one!

Nectarine Bellini: Seems simple by the description but ohmy god that white prosecco makes it so good. I love it, its citrusy and peachy, and the prosecco wraps it up in a delicious exhale. The misses isn’t too crazy about it, but she likes it.

MF Smoothie: My misses went CRAZY for this one, and I have to agree with her, my top pick, an ADV, an AMAZING vape. When I read the description it reminded me of Tropical Cruise and how in my personal opinion I failed at mixing several fruits together, and you my friend, did it. It’s not perfumy AT ALL, it’s sweet and creamy and each flavor pops out at different times, it’s complex yet not overwhelming or confusing. I dont know how you did this one, but we are gonna buy a LOT more. #1

Space Booze: Space Cruise, once again you changed the recipe and or the flavoring companies and it worked. The addition of the bourbon actually fit more than I expected. I love the change, it’s still a favorite, the misses likes it as well. The cantaloupe and apple are more prominent, hints of grapefruit and a bourbon exhale, perfect.

Blazing Moon: Confusing at first, but once it broke in, i loved it more than I expected. You nailed the description, it starts sweet, a bit tart and you don’t expect on the exhale that it’s going to turn into a creamy strong marshmallow with peachy hints, the apricot is hidden on the exhale popping here and there. THe misses loved this one, her #3 top pick, I love it as well.

And that’s the first veredict. I’ll send you a second one once a week goes by, but I’m beyond impressed. Top notch quality across the board, I can tell you enjoy alcohol flavors in your mixes and being one of the most difficult and delicate to work with, I’m impressed of how well you managed to balance them. Seriously, good job. We’ve already loaded MF smoothie and Midnight Fantasy on our tanks, the rest are being steeped, and thank GOD MF smoothie is a month old and already steeped, because I wouldn’t have been able to let it steep, and my misses already told me she wouldn’t have waited even if the flavor got better.

Well I guess my doubts were unfounded.
Sorta makes me fell like that saying from Star Wars. The Student has become the Master. :upside_down:


Copied 3 of them down. I’ll have to get a couple different ingredients to mix though, namely the juicy orange.

If I haven’t put the recipe on here yet it’s cause I procrastinate like friggin crazy if you’d like the recipe just let me know and I’ll either put on here or if you have word and an email address send you a copy of the file or copy and paste it into a PM for ya.

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Blazing Moon, MF Smoothie, and Nectarine Bellini were all on the recipes side of the site… thx

I gotst lucky three of the ones I’ve taken time to put up. Great. Hope you enjoy them.


Me too lol (hope I enjoy them… lol)
I’ll have to make a couple changes, use Juicy Peach instead of Peach, Coconut Extra instead of Coconut, a different brand of Apricot… and still buy a couple of things but I’ll make it work… thanks for posting these btw.

Actually my original smoothie used coconut extra, but wifey thought it was too coconutty. As for Apricot Do you have a suggestion? At the time it was the only one I could afford, I wasn’t overly impressed with the flavor of it and would welcome any suggestions. As for the peaches, I did a side by side blind comparison and found I and wifey liked peach over the juicey peach. I felt it had a more realistic flavor and even the aftertaste was more like a real peach.

I also think coconut extra is a bit strong and when I copied the recipe, dropped it down to .5%
I have/use Apricot FA… the notes (I just copied what was on the notes tab) states…

Stand alone 4% Mixer 1.8%

This is just like a fresh, juicy, perfectly-ripe apricot - excellent flavor with just the right level of natural sweetness. One of my favorite fruit flavors from FA or anyone else.

Blends great with other fruits (try a sprinkle of FA Coconut in fruit blends with Apricot)

Makes excellent apricot brandy (mix with FA Brandy) and apricot rum (mix with FA Jamaican Rum), which can be used for very tasty cocktail-type vapes.

Super in bakery recipes. To ‘bake’ the apricot flavor, add a tiny bit of Brandy or Jamaican Rum along with it, and perhaps a touch of Brown Sugar Extra (from The Flavor Apprentice).