A Six Pack for a Friend

I’m sending a 6 pack of juices I created to my friend that used to own and run Bionic Vapor. He made some miraculous concoctions. I’m nervous as hell I feel like a young boy meeting the parents of your prom date for the first time. Apprehensive and kinda scared to find out what he thinks of my abilities. I’ve asked him for an honest critique of the juices I’m sending so I may need emotional support till he gets and tastes it. I truly look up to Jorge and he’s the biggest part of the reason I started to DIY. When he closed his company to move to NZ I had to get some of his recipes so I could have the only juice we ever vaped for a long period of time. Once I got started there was no turning back, now I have thirty something recipes that we vape and am always looking to improve them and create new ones.


That’s a great story!

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It’s great to be able to give back, I’m sure he’ll enjoy every drop, I know I would! :wink:


I hope so. He’s such a talented mixologist that it’s almost a crime that he’s not back in the business. With all the shit going on I think he’s waiting till the dust settles and hoping things will come around to our side a little bit.


And it will, regulations are, in fact, needed, its the ridiculousness of the regulations that has me scratching my head…


yeah and going huh you want it to what. They are doing something that they have never done before they are creating so many impossible for the average business owner to comply with rules that thousands of people will end up being pushed out of business.

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cool story man, i guess having someone look up to you for something you created is one of the main reasons a lot of people DIY publicly and post their recipes, I can totally understand you waiting with baited breath for his review on your flavours, good luck! I’m pretty sure the fact that you sent them to him in the first place has made his day :+1:


crazy times… We are all fighting for a better tomorrow though, so hopefully…


article one section 9 of the constitution prohibits ex post facto laws be passed. If I’m not mistaken doesn’t that mean Can not pass laws that make things illegal starting yesterday or last week, etc. So how do they get off setting a date when things are to be subject to their stupid regulations?


I’m not sure, I really dont understand what it is they are thinking and how they think they are going to implement / enforce these new regs…

Maybe they dont have a clue either… :confused:


I think they are relying on scare tactics hoping a lot of small mom and pop shops close figuring they’ll never be able to comply with all the bullshit. And sadly they are right a lot of them will. IMHO they don’t have any right to most of the regs. I am the first to admit there are regs that need to be in place and they need to go after the retailer harder for selling to minors. Hell if a retailer gets caught selling booze to a minor they can have their license suspended or if they are a “habitual” offender they can out and out lose their license. I don’t have a problem with that because I don’t want to shop from those retailers. My friend that owns three shops is above and beyond when it comes to kids even with their parents in the store. I really respect him for that. There is a smoke shop here in Reedley that carries a bunch of vaping stuff and I’d be willing to bet he’d sell to anyone with the money. Now granted most kids are savvy enough not to pay ( you might want to sit for this) $229.95 For an X Cube 2 and over $300 for an IPV 4. But being the only shop in town I’m sure he gets some business. One day when I was gassing up my car the guy next to me asked if that was a Mod in my pocket so I pull out the X Cube. He said he looked at it but it cost too much. I asked what website he looked at. He mentioned the store in town. I have him 4 or 5 cards from websites I frequent and told him to check them out they were all reputable. I’ll bet he hasn’t been back in the store since. lmao

Damn two or three more paragraphs and I will have the first chapter done.


thinking being the operative term. They aren’t thinking big tobacco and big pharm do the thinking with $$ signs for them


Wow, see what you said there about the jacked up prices…

My local vape store was doing the same thing and mixing and selling shitty e liquid for stupid money, took me a few sales, a ton of reading and some observations in the store to realise it.

This is the thing though, if you owned a shop you could mix up loads of shitty liquid and sell it because there were no regulations…

The regs, will at least give vaping a legal base to work from and those that know will work their asses off to make that base legible / profitable.


Yes, I am a firm believer that big tobacco and big pharm are the main drivers behind of all of this and thats what concerns me most.


I’ve been saying that all along, it’s the only thing that makes any sense.


ROFL, this made my day. I still feel this way when i give out testers of new liquids, im sure he will love them.


Sure thats very plausible but look at the other stuff too:

Unregulated Liquids made by joe bloggs in his toilet
Lack of understanding of the dangers of the mods / batterys / coils used
Marketing towards kids (Reference to Legal Highs here)

Every industry NEEDS regulation, “its the ridiculousness of the regulations”.

Maybe they couldnt find someone to sit with them and work things out, i mean, the industry is predominantly chinese?? (correct me if im wrong here)


I’m all for regulation, but intelligent regulation


@GPC2012 I’ve run out of likes so have a corn on the cob! :corn:


Only if it’s got butter, salt and pepper on it none of that maynaise and parm cheese like they have at some of those street vendors.

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