Add RY4 double to coffee

Has anyone tried mixing RY4 double with a nice cappuccino or regular coffee flavour.
If so can i get your feedback and what % did you mix at


Depends on what you are trying to make, the flavours you are expecting and at what levels.
I take it you wish to get a caramel tobacco note to a Coffee or latte.

Try this one and have a look at this recipe we did for our friends @Hunky Vape - see them on the TUBES.

I would add either our Tobacco #37 @3% to get more tobacco or something like Virginia Tobacco @ 2-4%


Yep It was a simple recipe called Top ‘O’ the Morning RY4 it was pretty good, with whiskey and some light caramel/vanilla & tobacco notes. I added Irish Cream but it’s also good with out the IC.

Irish cream (FA) 2.00
Cappuccino (Italian Relax) (FA) 3.00
RY4 Double (Flavor Jungle) 3.50
Coffee, Espresso (Dark Bean) (FA) .50

Also the OG Holy Holy Grail was an RY4 with hints of coffee. It’s a good pairing.


Plus for a more complex mix one of my fav All day vapes is called Black Flag. Modeled after five pawns Black flag risen. It’s a caramel mocha cappuccino with rich tobacco notes. It’s all VT flavors but I’m a Vape Train groupie.

Black Flag

Caffe Latte (VTA) 1.50
Caramel Mocha (VTA) 1.00
Chocolate Mousse (VTA) 2.00
Custard Tobacco (One Shot) (VTA) 6.00
Devon Cream (VTA) 1.75
English Toffee (VTA) 1.75
Hard Crack Toffee (VTA) 0.50
Toffee Ice Cream (VTA) 2.25
Walnut (VTA) 0.25


I was revisiting some of my older attempts at a couple of my tobacco / coffee attempts from a few years ago, and put this little tester together this morning. It hasn’t had any steep time yet, (aware that tobaccos normally need a bit of a steep) but off the shake, there was some potential. If I think it needs to be a touch more tobacco forward, I’ll add a small drop or two of Tatanka (FLV).

RY4D Coffee


Looks good I’d give the black honey a chance to settle in. Or go up with lotta latte that will help draw some more caramel from the ry4.


Yeah, it’ll take a while for everything to settle in. I started low on the Lotta Latte. It’s been a couple of years since I played around with tobacco / coffee combos, but I remembered the LL to be a bit of a coil gunker. When I added the LL to the calculator, it defaulted to 6% so I know I have a little room to move up…lol


I like this simple version, i think i have most of the flavours so time to order i think.