Hi guys I made this
and put 8.33 ml nicotine in by mistake as I only had 10 ml of ice mint left so could only make 150 ml not my usual 200 (witch is 8.33ml nicotine) can anyone tell me what strength round about I have or have I just messed the batch up and bin it I don’t mind if it is a higher strength I can live with that it tastes fine but just want to make sure it’s fine thanks👍If my calculations are correct, you’re at about 4.05mg/ml. (8.33 ml * 73 mg/ml) / 150 total ml
Only 1 mg/ml higher!? Wow thought I was way over thank you very much
I believe you are pretty close to 4mg nicotine
Nice job Jojo on the math.
I certainly only know how to use the programs to do my figuring along with my fingers and toes.
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Wish I had fingers and toes…lol
Dilution formula drilled into my head during my lab days…LoL.