Adding flavors to shopping list

When I view my shopping list, is there a way to add a flavor that’s not in your stash or in a recipe.

Right now I have to locate the flavor in someones recipe or make a fake recipe or add it to my stash…then click on it and add to my shopping list.

I’d like to be able to go my shopping list type in a needed flavor and add it right into my shopping list. It’s simple enough to delete a flavor from your shopping list, but not an easy way to add one.

You can always find it on the flavor list and click the “Add to shopping list” on the details page :smile:

I think I’ll probably add an input field like in the flavor stash!


Thanks @daath. I never thought about that. That’ll be a lot easier than what I’ve been doing.


Yup, that’s how I made my list complete.