Adjust total flavor percentage

Hey guys!

It’s time for a small update. If you go to one of your recipes, click the blue wrench and click “Adjust total flavor %”.
It does exactly that - Adjusts the total flavor percentage, keeping the ratio. Now it’s not the most elegant solution, using a browser prompt for the input - but this has been on my list in forever, so I just wanted something quick that worked :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I hope you’ll find it useful!

Happy vaping!


EDIT: You might need to force reload/clear cache for the new javascript to be picked up :slight_smile:
EDIT 2016-11-30: Adjust total flavor % now edits instead of adapting.


Not doing anything on Chrome?

You might need to force reload/clear cache for the new javascript to be picked up :slight_smile:

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SHIFT+ Refresh sorted it :slight_smile:

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cool. I was wondering… when you have a recipe in your favorites and it’s only 10ml and you want to make 75ml when you adapt and you want to leave it like that it makes it YOUR recipe. Is there any way to adapt only the amount of juice you want and not turn it into YOUR RECIPE?


The way I do that, is to click “Adapt” then change to 75 and scroll down to the recipe - I just use that without saving :slight_smile: I do that a lot.

At some point you will be able to make a batch of any recipe, without saving to your own (but still saving to your batch history) :slight_smile:


that is how i do it too… ok well we will look forward to it.
thanks for all you do

Very cool! Thanks @daath :smiley:

Excellent function, thanks a lot!

Just a side note on that, adapting it and saving it (as a private recipe) does ensure that if the original creator ever makes it private or deletes it, you still have a copy.


Thanks again !

Adjust total flavor % now edits instead of adapting…


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