Haven’t tried 430 yet but got some 24g ordered along with some finer wires for claptoning.
hey! i tried claptoning some 24g 316l with some 36g 316l…but when i finished, the wrapping wire was still very springy and it moved up and down the core wire. what can we do about that???
Only thing i can think of is to try and get your fine wire a little bit tighter if possible.
Try a bit more pressure/tensions on your fine wire and mabey it will clapton closer/tighter and hopefully help with the springing issue.
I’ve done a fused clapton with the 304ss and had no problems at all with it. It was very compliant.
whats the highest gauge SS you’ve used? the wrap wire i used was 36g
38g is the finest I’ve used up to now. Got some 40g on the way in an order, but the old eyes arn’t ehat they used to be.
was it SS?
ive used nichrome up to 48g and it wraps really nice and stays. but the 36g SS i used didnt wanna stay…it was springy still.
and as far as being able to see it, i cant see it, but i did put a white sheet of paper under the wire and i could see the core wire getting darker where it wrapped…
Yes it was ss. Mine stayed in place no prob, at least i never noticed anything moving when I wrapped the coils.
When I clapton mine i use a led light to catch the edge of the wrap and just follow the shine, so it gives me a point of light to follow. But once your up and running its kinda self winding.
well, shit…guess its back to the drawing board. i’ll try again and report back
hi. im just asking how to fix my omega atomizer leaking in air hole…i love this atomizer very much so please help…thank you
Your not using enough wick! I have one and it’s a fine line between, too much cotton and not enough cotton.
When you wick your coils, lay them (the wicks) in the channels WET. And trim them by eye so there just sitting in/on the top of the channel.
Hope that helps.