Ah Caramel recipe

So I’ve been working on this recipe and I think I’ve almost nailed it. Then again i could be way off.
The only flavor note missing is the chocolate coating from what I can taste. But I have to admit, the taste is quite nice after a 1 week steep and I almost dont want to make any changes. The caramel and vanilla seems to have meshed nicely.

But I am open to suggestions, and thought it was ready to share as it is prior to any tweaking.


Okay, warky, I see your post got flagged. Didn’t take me long to figure it out. Clean the inner sewer, bro, and join us people in the Holy Land :rofl:


Aww why did it get flagged? All it was was a gif of a tumbleweed because nobody replied to the post. Why would someone flag that?!!


Because @warkwarth sees things that ordinary humans can not :rofl:


The “19 days later” tumbleweed just had me cracking up so bad. Poor Simple juices, all he wanted was some critique.


Geez, I hadn’t noticed it’s been 19 days. I went back up and gave him a thumbs up. You’re right, but maybe @Simple-juices would do better to just post it in the What ya vaping/mixing thread 2025? More people frequent that area.

I’d give a critique but it’s time for me to look for aliens on Youtube. They said they would be touching down soon :rofl:


Sounds fun, enjoy. Wait, touching down? You mean aliens play football?


Sure, they’re all over this planet. Here’s a tall Nordic from the Pleiades star system playing for The Longhorns :rofl:
Texas defensive end Brecklyn Hager talks with reporters Tuesday during Big 12 Media Days. Hager says he refuses to cut his hair until the Longhorns win a Big 12 championship. [AP PHOTO]


because i offended someone, probably the trans community again

@muth lol i was actually just bumping the thread and giving it some more exposure, im completely innocent as usual


Haha ive been away for a few days…been a hell of a week. Ended up totalling the car, nobody got hurt thankfully. That saga is still with the insurance.

Just lettin you know i didn’t flag the post (i didn’t even see it).

The recipe actually tastes great. But be forewarned- its a coil gunker (which probably doesn’t suprise too many people).

Feedback is always appreciated and welcome, but I’m totally fine if others aren’t into the recipe. There are so many different options, and while this is a decent recipe, I’d hardly call it an amazing recipe.
I’ll continue to tweak it as i make more. I’ve already gone through over 120ml of it lol.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


That sucks, losing transportation can be super stressful. I hope you’re able to get things worked out without too much trouble.


Thank you. It has been extremely stressful. We’ve passed the first hurdle, the insurance just made an offer on our old car that we are happy with.

Now we have less than a week to buy a new vehicle before we have to return the rental.

We live out in a very rural area, so no car means no going anywhere. I’m looking forward to this being over lol.


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Omg, how did you do that? Creepy weird.

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I’ve been thinking of an eBike as a backup.

Good to hear that no one was hurt. Count your blessings and hope you find a great car ASAP.


It was a very mediocre attempt at photoshop. I don’t have the correct tools on my phone to do it properly lol.