Alpine Strawberry steep and %%?

What’s this big thing about alpine strawberry I finally sucked it up n paid the$$$ bought it but to me it smells like.chemicals?? What’s the best SFT? %…?? I want to… and how long to steep?.


Start low …12 pct to .5 pct …Personally I dont use it higher than .25 in any recipe…Most SB Flavors take a few days to shine and alot of them fade so give it a few days

Make sute you test for yourself , many people use this flavor at different pcts and not one person is right or wrong …There are people who onlynuse FLV but they use them so light that other people think their rexipes are too light . So test to see whete it works best FOR YOU


Try starting at 0.15 percent in recipes. Flavorah fruits steep relatively fast. Give it 24-48 hours to steep single flavor.

Check cookies?

Follow Smokie. All she mixes with is FLV

It’s a good lesson for mixing FLV flavors.


This stuff is strong. Like others have said start at around 1.5%.
You’ll know you used too much if your juice tastes like soap. I know from experience


I like Alpine at 0.28% max or 4 drops per 30ml. 3 day steep unless with creams go a week. My Alpine Milk recipe is one of my favorites


Just for clarity, others were saying 0.15%, not 1.5%. :grin::+1:

It is a potent flavor. Most folks i pay attention to keep it below 0.5%, but it could be great at 1.5%, I’ve just never dared try it that high!


Yeah my mistake. Wrong decimal placement.
But I have went As high as 2.0% in a recipe that had Vanilla Custard , Sweet Cream, and Bavarian Cream.
Good stuff after a month or so


For me on this one I tried 1 drop to 15ml and 1-2 drops per 30 ml. There is an odd taste I can’t get past. If you like the smell of the green red notes try straw green fa.


Store it on ice to promote longevity, argon to displace oxygen after use is crucial in preventative maintanence to deter oxidization, PPE is a must. THIS IS THE BIG LEAGUES GIRLY, BUCKLE UP FOR THE RIDE.


Am I the only one who thought it tasted awful? I bought Alpine 2 years ago with high hopes (being strawb blind), put 1 drop in a 15ml tester and the entire batch was immediately ruined. I can’t even describe the flavor but it was not strawberry. Went on to steep the batch for a week hoping it would improve…nope, same thing. Huge disappointment.


Not by a long shot.
I agree with you, the ‘green’ note (meaning, the strawberry had no red color developed at all yet as it’s being grown*) just makes it nasty AF for me.

*=even though this is how I describe it (for others to hopefully find it easier understand the description of the offending note), an alpine strawberry is a different type of strawberry than most of us in the US are used to. So it may be perfectly true to the profile…


This is interesting I wonder what my sft
Will turn out like for me?

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I have a 30ml of Strawberry green (fa) I like the flavor so much by itself.
But can never find anything to pair with it…any suggestions?

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Mint of your choice plus candy of you choice plus a touch of vanilla and drop or two of fresh cream fa


I love Alpine in my pink lemonade recipe …Its not the best SB in creams imo

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Wayne DIY or DIE likes it at 3pct …I cldnt imagine


I don’t care for mint in my vape,can I do without it? I only have 1 mint it’s I believe tfa peppermint if I have to. And it’s only because it was given to me…I have tons of candies tho again no Idea what to do either them…I have a huge stash for a beginner n not a clue what I’m doing yet…lol


I got the same thing even with 1d / 60ml just to see. I never got the juicy, red strawberry from it. Mostly white, and green-ish.

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Try …

15ml mix

3 drops peppermint fa (prefer spearmint flv at this ratio)
8 drops strawgeen fa
27 fish silver line cap 3-4%
2 drops fresh cream fa
3 drops supersweet cap
Vanilla shisha inw 0.5%

Drops are about 0.02 grams
Try it out.


Doing it now