Does anyone know what device and/or batteries he was using? He said he just got his ecig. For all I know it was a mech mod with a non suitable battery for the build.
Another thing I noticed is that the article says he’s 17. He shouldn’t have been vaping in the first place.
Edit - Not this article, but the facebook news post said he is 17.
It was most likely a mech mod. I don’t know of many mods, other than mech tube mods, that are made of sturdy enough materials to do what he claims.
I’m not saying it would be impossible for a regulated mod to blow, given the low quality assurance of some companies, but the chip hardware is mainly what regulates the flow of power, with some backups. The chip hardware is used in many other devices too, yet you don’t hear much about those self-destructing.
I agree, he should not have been in possession of a vaping device if he is 17. This will play out to the vaping community’s disadvantage if he is that young. The onus is already on the e-liquid mixers, shop owners and website sellers. If he obtained it, somehow, some way, it will fall back on the source of the mod. It’s just more fuel for the pyre which the FDA has built to burn us all on their witch hunt.
Accidents like this happen because of friends selling to people who are not familiar with the device. I have yet to go into a shop, or website, and buy a device, without receiving proper instruction on use and dangers. Even the package has all the information you need. I would chalk this one up to a “kid” getting his hands on something he had no experience with just because his friends had one. Unfortunately, this won’t be the end of the story. It never is.
Im 40 years old and been vaping for about 2.5 years and still dont own any kind of mech mod /box , the closest thing to one is my whiterose, the reason i dont is because i havent educated myself with them enough to feel comfortable using one , im sure if i wanted to it wouldnt be a problem , however there are too many variables for something to go wrong if uneducated so i stay away , so should have this seventeen year old smh , it is a shame not only will the vape shop be sued but fined as well for selling to underage kid smh ( if in fact it was a vape shop ) anyway , wrong top , wrong build , wrong batteries , whatever it was its a shame
None of this makes any sense to me. DJLSb has a video where he tries to blow up batteries. Batteries don’t blow up from everything I have studied. They will violently vent. Even all of my mech mods have venting. I simply can not imagine not having enough warning to get the thing away from your face. Even with no venting and a basic “pipe bomb” construction the thing, whatever it was should have gotten plenty hot prior to blowing apart the container. I’m sure I don’t know every scenario possible, but it just doesn’t make sense.
There’s only one major case I can recall involving a regulated device (I believe one of the IPV’s) where (also an underage kid) someone had neglected to follow safety precautions and disaster struck. Since it was a regulated mod it’s already equipt with all the safety features u should need as long as the device is fully intact, which was not the case . The boy admits he has lost the battery door and had still been using the device (immature negligence) despite knowing that was unsafe. He was at work and went out for a few neglegent puffs, returned to work and pocketed his unsafe device. Mind u, in the same pocket he had his keys and some loose coins in! Needless to say, metal made contact where it shouldn’t have and the batteries caught fire. The neglegent, rogue-youth vaper admitted in a local news segment that it was dumb and now understands how stupid he was being (funny how a pocket full of flaming batteries will do that to u) using the device that became unsafe the moment he lost the protective battery door. The only thing positive he did for the situation was admit it was only a result of his carelessness and that it was not a random malfunction (as none of these incidents r anyway) and that he indeed still (illegally) is vaping on a new (fully functional/intact) device and that people should kno vaping is safe as long as u follow all the safety precautions (fucking DUH).
All the cases involving exploding devices 99.9999999% of the time r tubes (or mechanical unregulated devices) intended to be used by knowledgeable vapers with all the proper materials to safely utilize the device. Not some newbie vaper looking to get into vaping as cheaply as possible, thusly buying the cloned version of some mech tube for $20-$30 from a small town vape shop eager to make every dollar to stay in business. Often times (not all), a shop owner (or employee) will refuse the sale of an advanced item like that to a newbie. But, quite often, times r hard and every dollar counts to most people these days so a sale will be rendered anyway. These incidents can be prevented to some degree if we help educate people on the dangers of improper use of unregulated devices and as shop owners (or employees) only sell the appropriate devices to the newbies (who can easily damage the public outlook on vaping even more).Of course, there will always be people buying things online and doing so without the proper research, and those incidents will potentially still happen over and over until it’s just common knowledge that mech mods r intended for advanced users with all the proper materials and knowledge to use them safely. Until then, idiotic, uninformed newbies sailing blindly will continue to tarnish the public opinion on our art and passion that is vaping. As unfortunate as these events r when someone is seriously injured (in some cases never to be the same again), they can ALL be prevented! Sorry for the rant, but if u couldn’t tell, I really hate that ignorant newbies keep repeatedly doing this. Like a stranger coming into your house and tracking mud all over your carpet, like it’s not common sense to leave muddy shoes at the door. Come on lol.
Maybe you live somewhere different than where I live. I have seen a b&m selling cloned mech mods for $20, the cheapest mod on the shelf. This is attractive to young, stupid, broke ass people, and I told them so. Someone will get hurt and it hurts all of us every time someone blows up a mech clone and gets on the news. I told them so, and they did not care. I have seen even worse things in b&m shops, like scary looking off brand rewrapped 18650s. All I can do is speak up, and if things don’t change, spend elsewhere. \
This is why I hated seeing the original noisy cricket priced at such a low price, because it is a dangerous thing that is inexpensive, and many uninformed people will want it because it is both powerful and affordable. What’s more, many b&m’s will try to tell a novice, no no, this isnt for you, but dummy’s will want it anyway. Then the shop has to either turn them away, knowing they’ll buy it online and never come back, or sell it to them and try to educate a person that is more interested in posting pictures of their purchase on instagram than truly understanding ohms law or the requirements for an atomizer to be safe on a hybrid mod. In the end, vaping is vaping’s worst enemy. Clouds look cool, it attracts idiots that think clouds look cool. Reasonable b&m shops should make damn sure the cheapest device on their shelf in any power category is not a mech mod. It doesnt prevent novices from getting mech mods, china will still do what china does, and friends will still try to appease their friends, but it goes a ways toward it I think.
Exactly, cloned tubes attract the young, broke ass novice kids looking to seem cool blowing a big cloud (often times disrespectfully close to a non-smoker/vaper) with the attitude like “if u don’t like it, too bad! IMA DO WUT I WANT!” I agree that vaping can be vaping’s worst enemy and that more affordable mods need to be carried to appease the moronic newbies who time and time again just buy the cheapest thing they see. B&M’s need to educate more than anything else, if u don’t want to repeat yourself all day then print out an FAQ and include some additional tips outlining ohm law and such things as battery safety. Have stacks of those ready and send everyone away with one, even if they don’t spend their money with u. Laziness will only hurt this industry more than idiots already do.
Seriously though, I feel like there are people who pick up their brand new mechs without even realizing there’s even such a thing as battery safety. So much dumb out there, anything that adds another layer of safety/education is a good thing.
I agree 100% and an FAQ would solve more problems than not. It would take maybe an hour or 2 to answer all the frequently asked questions and outline all the safety info that everyone should already kno if they own/work in a vape shop. It would take 2 hours max and save 1000 hours repeating yourself day in and day out. Not to mention be a nice piece of take home knowledge in the event someone’s memory is less than favorable. So simple yet it would be so effective and benefitial all across the board.
So was in the attic today, caulking the area around a pipe that runs through the roof. Due to ‘user error’ and sheer clumsiness, I came up on a nail, which jammed into my back (I was squeezed into a tiny spot near the edge of the roof). I suppose I could be like these idiots and blame the nail.
Wow, that’s an interesting double example of the same influence. You worry so much about someone mistaking a post that you forgo it. That is just as much a misplacement of responsibility as the user blaming the mod. There’s a lot of that going around lately. I’m sure this will go over like a turd in a punch bowl, but I truly thing there are those that don’t have the intelligence to safely vape, or drive, or walk down the side of a road, or do anything one should be able to do with a reasonable capacity for assumption of risk.
Except for those times where the mod WAS to blame. I don’t know if you were vaping when the whole iStick 50W fiasco was going on, but that was clearly an issue with the device. The devices had a random habit of having their internal battery packs go into thermal runaway, which is just a fancy label for"Lithium Battery Go Boom". People were having mods catching fire-when they were being charged, when they were being used or sometimes when the mod was just sitting. No vaping had been done, but the mod was left on with an atomizer attached to the device. I know a whole bunch of people had zero issues with the 50W, but the ones that failed did so in a rather spectacular and damaging manner.
Bravo. I love how you added another adjective to describe the kid as each sentence continued. The negligent youth, the negligent rogue-youth, the negligent, newbie-rogue-youth… Lmao