Looking for boston rounds with a needle tip, looking to buy a good amount but not seeing a place with a descent discount. Hook a brotha.
Sounds like a unicorn to me… Especially since all Boston rounds I’ve ever seen are glass. And glass isn’t squeezable, so a Needle tip would take forever under gravity feed. chuckles
Idk about that but I want to replace all my childproof caps with normal ones. Where can I buy just caps? I’ve been known to smash childproof caps to smithereens with a hammer once I got those little buggers off. Hate 'em with a passion!
This is the only place that I know of w/ Boston Rounds, but the PETs are limited in size. I like the looks of the wide-mouthed ones, but they’ve been sold out on the 120mls for a long time.
Hehe, I thought you said Cosmos @anon44012888.
@FL_Vaper nailed it with …
If you don’t need needle tips, …
Pretty good deals here
Have a look… 3.4 oz PET Plastic Boston Round Bottle 20-410 Neck Finish, Clear
This is one I’ve been wanting but they don’t have a twist cone cap to fit the mouth. Know where I can find a big selection of caps?
Omg, the first one has child resistant caps …hair on fire.
Hey…, here’s one with caps… good deal as well…
most tops cost just as much as the f*in bottles… lol… this would be a better buy IMO https://www.premiumvials.com/4-oz-clear-pet-imperial-round-bottle-with-20-410-neck-finish-w-black-hdpe-and-natural-colored-ldpe-20-410-twist-open-dispensing-cap/?gclid=CjwKCAiA78aNBhAlEiwA7B76p-V1-JiJQpZJMfVBElk1hxpMn6TTYVGMP0EBIG_JMqY0rgdIfnIjUBoCx60QAvD_BwE
Thanks chums
Are the Twist-Top caps essential? I found Yorker Caps for 4oz PET and Twist-offs for 2oz PET Boston Rounds. (Are you wanting PET or LDPE? What size are you looking for? Are you looking for Boston Rounds, or is any shape fine w/ you?)
It says the Yorker caps are on order. I ordered from this company not long ago and they shipped some items that were back-ordered very quickly.