Anybody ever have a reaction to breathing nic base while mixing?

I’m not surprised. We all know that nicotine is absorbed through the skin, but then to get an idea of how fast the skin absorbs it, just think about nicotine patches. A “20mg” 24-hour patch contains about 50mg, and you’ll absorb about 20mg of that within 24 hours.

So if you spill some nic base on your person, no need to panic. just wash it off ASAP, and you’ll be fine.

There’s too much scaremongering going round about nicotine. i guess some people would do really daft things without the warnings (or even with the warnings) but no need to drive everybody else into a panic

PS. Personally, the thing I’m really, really careful not to do is mixing near soft furnishings and carpets, cos it’s not so easy to wipe spillages off those, is it? and all those little fibres would provide a very large surface area for the nic to evaporate from.


That would be my guess also.

I have been nic sic lots, even when I smoked and I never had such severe symptoms @DRG413. That’s not to say you didn’t have those symptoms. I think you have gotten some good advice, like…


hear hear

Nic base is not a liquid that releases fumes the moment you open the bottle so you should be safe to hang over it and take a really good whiff without any side effects.

If you would have side effects, I could not believe that you don’t have any side effects from vaping because you’ll get much more of that stuff in your system that way.

Throw that shit out, who knows what’s in there? Like TorturedZen said, this should be odorless and colorless (slight hue can be acceptable) but any smell is an indication that it’s bad.
Get in touch with Nic River or some other reputable source and get some good nic, vg and pg (separately sold). There are a couple threads with suggestions of suppliers for different parts of the world, just use the forum’s search function.


Good plan.


I took another smell of it and I realized that the fumes were really my box of flavors I had open yesterday. The actual smell of the nic itself it just a wee bit peppery like how cigarettes smell. Is that normal? Maybe it was just a somatic phenomenon. I suppose I am prone to panic when I’m scared.


This is becoming contagious. Now I’m sniffin my nic. I think I am getting a bit of a “peppery” sensation if I smif hard enough, lol. No ill effects beyond hyperventilation from sniffing so hard, lol. Have you been watching a lot of either Faux News or MSLSD and their “Evil Vape” horror stories? Man’s balls fall off after his first vape!!!


hey @DRG413 could it be you had been vaping some of your diy mix a few minutes before you opened the nic bottle . If so then the nic rush can creep up on you and opening the bottle was coincidental timing. Also is the nic vg base because its harder to shake up the nic when in vg before you add to a mix. Which can lead to hot spots in the nic meaning you weigh out the correct amount of nic for your mix and the 3 ml you added was a bit stronger not enough to change the taste of the juice just stronger than you are used to so when you vape it your getting a bit more nic but it can take a few moments before you realise and the mini nic rush creeps up on you . :+1:

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No that didn’t happen, it was very first batch I made yesterday, and I’m sure I hadn’t vaped too much of store bought beforehand either. It is VG though and maybe didn’t shake the bottle enough before opening?

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Lol no, but I do have an intense fear just because of the general warnings. When I just smelled it a while ago I was wearing no gloves while handling the bottle and no effect in my hands. Really might have been just anxiety. Although I never heard about the hands tingling until after it happened. Could have been 50/50 in my head and not.

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I think you have to relax a bit… being stressed through anxiety, panic or anything else can make you do mistakes. Take a deep breath, it’s all going to be OK. Anxiety, stress, panic will take away all reason and make you act on instinct, which is not good.
You just have to know what you’re working with and knowing safety rules and guidelines are there to help you be careful, not to do the opposite.

I don’t even have gloves and yes, little accidents happen (rarely) when I spill a bit of liquid. Nicotine spills are even more rare but when it happens, I just wipe it off with some paper towel, walk to the sink and wash my hands and whatever it spilled on. The only nic rush I’ve ever had so far was from vaping liquids that were too strong for me or even back in the day when I was still smoking tobacco.
You should know it’s a highly toxic substance which can kill you, kids, pets, vermin, etc, but just relax, you’re not going to die even if you spill a whole bottle over your clothes. Stay calm and clean up the mess and afterwards store your bottle in a cool, dark and dry place and make sure it’s safe from accidents and not within reach of people that shouldn’t have access to it.

I also store my VG/PG/nic away from my flavors to avoid cross contamination. You wouldn’t want odors from your flavors to enter your base liquids even a little bit or everything you mix and your SFT tests will be all messed up.


I thought panic attack when you first posted.

Not taking a shot at you at all, but for some people taking a deep breath does not make everything okay. For some people panic can be debilitating.


Isn’t that mainly because they don’t know what they’re dealing with and don’t know what to expect (so they expect the worst)?
If I’d think that a drop of nic on my skin will kill me, I’d probably be very anxious as well. Knowing there are people who’ve had these experiences and haven’t had to run to hospital because of it should help ease their mind I figure.

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Yeah I just mixed more and kept telling myself not to be spooked and everything was fine. I feel a tad bit uptight but I’m fine over all. This is really fun. Tried my hand at a Jabane clone and failed with that. Too much pistachio. Oh well I’ll give that away to someone who’s never had Jabane. Then I mixed just the flavors in a 10ml bottle and it’s pretty close. Filled rest of the bottle with just VG so I can see how it steeps then I’ll try another 30ml.


It’s one of those beginners things. Once you get used to mixing, you’ll be completely relaxed and even excited to try that new recipe.
In any case, if you’re concerned about something or have questions, it’s better to ask too much than not enough and this is the right place for it. Success with your mixing :slight_smile:


Thank you.


Especially riding a Hawg. :worried: