Anyone have experience with SSA Watermelon Sour Type?

Hey ELR,

I have just received some new flavors, and am very interested in SSA Watermelon Sour Type. It smells great, and tastes great, but as there are NO recipes on ELR or ATF, I thought it would be best to ask the pros. Do any of you guys have any experience with this flavor? At what % should it be used as a main note? Accent? SFT?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Yes! you should SFT. You’ve got it right there, in hand. You might wanna start at .5% and move up or down from there. Nothing better in this world for you and your taste buds.


I’m on it. Just shook up my SFT tester at 0.75%. Will report back on how it goes after a short steep.


Great flavor, but I’ll second you should single flavor test it, but remember when using any “sour “ flavors you generally want to hike the sweetener up to get that sour to push through. If you want to hear more about that old Noted did an episode on sour flavors.


Sorry i havent tried that one but it sounds good, id start at 1% but i currently have SSA Sweet WM as my #1 and double WM at #2 but Sour WM sounds intersting as i normally just add WF sourball candy at 2% or SSA natural lemon at 0.5%.Its not at bull city in the US but i havent checked Nomz yet as im just now hearing about it.