Wife has been using an EGO Clearomizer for ever, and despite coil issues, terrible batteries she’s stuck by it. While checking out ElementVape came across this little beauty. All the reviews I’ve read seemed to actually LOVE the lil’ bugger. Don’t ask why, but she needs a mini. When she DOES get mad however, she runs for the Steam Crave, riding the @Whiterose0818 mod. Don’t know why she won’t let me buy here one of each, but always cites the size.
check your pm.
Your welcome, since we spoke about it, and she likes it to look good have you thought about the penguin?
I’ve looked and looked at the “Itty Bitty Kits” and knowing my wife’s “particular” nature, I ruled most of them out. The lil’ Mi One though looks like I might be able to get he to toss the blasted Clearo-mizers to the curb.
Still weighing options…
I’m all outa likes. All I can say is baby steps! They are cheap from like 20.00 and the coils and tanks are reasonable as well, I think one of the cool things about it is the two different coils for direct to lung and mouth to lung, it’s a very girly mod imo.
Here is a link.
Girly or not, I’m impressed by the penguin. Good flavor and vapor with both coils but I prefer the .25ohm. I had to go to an all day training in San Diego and it worked perfectly. Fit in the shirt pocket, no leaks, no extra bottle of juice needed and I was able to sneak in quite a few tokes in the men’s room. The entire facility was a “no smoking” site so the Reload tank would have attracted too much attention…
[Pre-Order] ARTERY Lady Q Kit - 1.5ml & 1000mah
@SessionDrummer, perhaps your wife would like this? It reminds me of lipstick… or something disguised as lipstick
You’re welcome! If she doesn’t like it, give me more info on her “particularities” and I’ll keep searching. I don’t have much else to do daily right now!
Elegomall is doing a giveaway for that, too!
Personally, I like it. Ihave two, and enjoy them. Just my opinion.