Framed #455
Plotwords #325
Clues used: 4/13
Shame on me
#Lyricle #411
Wordle 720 4/6
Jun 9, 2023
66 | Avg. Guesses: 7.14
= 5
Framed #455
Plotwords #325
Clues used: 4/13
Shame on me
#Lyricle #411
Wordle 720 4/6
Jun 9, 2023
66 | Avg. Guesses: 7.14
= 5
Framed #455
Wordle 720 5/6
‘What is this? A center for ants?’
Jun 9, 2023
24 | Avg. Guesses: 6.17
= 5
#Lyricle #411
Wordle 720 3/6
Framed #455
#Lyricle #411
Wordle 720 4/6
Framed #455
Wordle 721 4/6
I guessed today’s Globle in 3 tries:
Plotwords #326
Clues used: 10/10 another one I’ve never heard of.
#Lyricle #412
Framed #456
Framed #456
#Lyricle #412
Plotwords #326
Clues used: 7/10
Wordle 721 3/6
Jun 10, 2023
67 | Avg. Guesses: 7.16
= 9
Aaargh, I kept missing it.
cross nerdle #13
Perfect solve - no or
@nerdlegame points: 6/6
Wordle 721 4/6
Framed #456
#Lyricle #412
Wordle 721 3/6
Framed #456
Wordle 722 4/6
I really hate it when I move a letter that is already confirmed.
That’s it for me today I think, I’ve been canning this morning and researching flavours for my stockpile this arvo and it’s already time for dinner.
It would have helped if I had remembered the names of the actors. No chance of that either
Framed #457
Plotwords #327
Clues used: 6/12
Ayy indeed!
#Lyricle #413
Wordle 722 4/6
Jun 11, 2023
68 | Avg. Guesses: 7.16
= 7
Wordle 722 3/6
Framed #457
cross nerdle #14
Perfect solve - no or
@nerdlegame points: 6/6
Never heard of it.
Framed #458
Saved by the bell. Not the answer!
Episode #41
Plotwords #328
Clues used: 5/12
#Lyricle #414
Wordle 723 5/6
Jun 12, 2023
69 | Avg. Guesses: 7.17
= 8
cross nerdle #15
Perfect solve - no or
@nerdlegame points: 6/6
That’s me done. The sun is coming up soon. It will be another scorcher. I have to get the dog to the park for a few hours before it will be too hot for her.
Wordle 723 6/6
not quite (not a clue)
Framed #458
my hubby said we’ve seen this
must’ve been good
Episode #41
Ah ha! (not a clue)
Hope the park was good Josephine!
It was lovely. No people and still cool. She had a nice swim. Later it will be like a sauna, around 31 Celsius.
I will be in the garden, a little corner place and a heat trap. It will be around 40 in the sun.
I have a lot of shade.
It’s just getting up at 4 that’s killing me. It doesn’t look like it will be any cooler as of yet.
Ah well