Gotcha you fucking bastard. The simple ones can be tricky. Overlooked the two digit option
cross nerdle #22
Perfect solve - no or
@nerdlegame points: 6/6
Gotcha you fucking bastard. The simple ones can be tricky. Overlooked the two digit option
cross nerdle #22
Perfect solve - no or
@nerdlegame points: 6/6
Framed #465
Wordle 730 X/6
Framed #465
I was completely lost… Sat with it for probably a good 10 minutes too. Tomorrow will be in 3, I can FEEL IT!!
Wordle 731 2/6
Maybe two!!
I guessed today’s Globle in 5 tries:
Plotwords #336
Clues used: 13/13
#Lyricle #422
Framed #466
hubby got this one!
Framed #466
Plotwords #336
Clues used: 4/13
#Lyricle #422
Yep, you felt right
Wordle 731 3/6
Jun 20, 2023
77 | Avg. Guesses: 7.18
= 9
cross nerdle #23
Perfect solve - no or
@nerdlegame points: 6/6
Wordle 731 3/6
Framed #466
Framed #466
Wordle 732 4/6
Jun 21, 2023
1 | Avg. Guesses: 9.38
= 8
Plotwords #337
Clues used: 18/18
Framed #467
#Lyricle #423
I’m too old for this one.
Framed #467
Plotwords #337
Clues used: 2/18
#Lyricle #423
Wordle 732 6/6
Lucky last guess. Too many options here.
Jun 21, 2023
78 | Avg. Guesses: 7.15
= 5
cross nerdle #24
Perfect solve - no or
@nerdlegame points: 6/6
I forgot to post this. Did it hours ago
Framed #467
Episode #42
Wordle 732 6/6
Framed #467
Episode #42
Never heard of it.
Framed #468
Plotwords #338
Clues used: 6/15
#Lyricle #424
Wordle 733 3/6
Jun 22, 2023
79 | Avg. Guesses: 7.15
= 7
cross nerdle #25
22 +
2 +
* 0
@nerdlegame points:4/6
This was a bugger. Wasted a package on a =
Wordle 733 3/6
Framed #468
Framed #468
If the weather in his area resembles the weather in my area, I suspect he’s crawled into the deepest cave he could find.
He will burst into flames otherwise. Like Bin Laden he would find it hard to wire up an internet connection under those circumstances.
I’m guessing he’s feeling extremely miserable. I feel for him. I’m still going to soak up some more sun now.
Lots of rain over there Im assuming?! Its like a desert over here currently… HOT and zero rain… I hate it, besides the weekends when Im in the pool with a cold beer!
They’ve been threatening rain all day long. Haven’t seen one drop yet. We had some thunder two days ago and it cooled a little.
They said that after the rain that didn’t come, the weather was going to warm up again and it doesn’t look it is ending yet.
I love it! I’m eternally cold. Still gotta wear long sleeves in the shade. It figures there’s a place in hell that is permanently frozen.