Wordle 332 4/6
Wordle 332 4/6
Wordle 332 3/6
@SquirrelSmash click “Share” and copy that. That’ll give you the little squares youre looking for.
I wasn’t looking for them, though sound like an interesting idea.
Wordle 332 3/6
I solved this Quordle in 6/9 tries. Can you guess these 4 words?
Not too shabby for this game.
Wordle 333 6/6
Love hate kinda thing…
Wordle 333 5/6
3/6 today.
I tried the share button today, though it just tells me ‘shared failed’. I’ll fiddle with the browser settings when I have time: Just doing the normal OBS update routine now - undoing the things it seems to have fucked up with my settings.
Great score! 3/6 for me is definitely cool.
I GUESS we believe you SS…
I solved this Quordle in 8/9 tries. Can you guess these 4 words?
Wordle 334 4/6
Wordle 334 4/6
Lucky today at O Dark Hundred…
Wordle 335 3/6
Wordle 335 3/6
Wordle 336 6/6
All around it today…
Wordle 336 4/6