Wordle 666 4/6
I seen this movie years ago, but couldn’t put my finger on it…
Framed #401
#Worldle #450 4/6 (100%)
Apr 16, 2023
12 | Avg. Guesses: 6.25
= 6
Wordle 666 4/6
I seen this movie years ago, but couldn’t put my finger on it…
Framed #401
#Worldle #450 4/6 (100%)
Apr 16, 2023
12 | Avg. Guesses: 6.25
= 6
To get back to that previous statement, look what I found.
Wortel 440 4/6
I will have to start identifying as they/them so I have more time to play these games.
That way I can delegate.
I let them do this one!
maxi nerdlegame 87 4/6
Framed #401
Holy shit… Looks like @Josephine_van_Rijn and I will keep our OUTSTANDING Framed record intact…
Well on our way to become sad pricks. Or would that be prickess in my case?
WE WILL OVERCOME THIS GAME! Prick, or Prickless! We got this shit!
I forgot the L
Wordle 667 6/6
Framed #402
#Worldle #451 3/6 (100%)
Apr 17, 2023
13 | Avg. Guesses: 6.23
= 6
Wordle 667 3/6
It’s all a bit fishy.
Framed #402
Apr 17, 2023
13 | Avg. Guesses: 6.62
= 4
Framed #402
Wordle 667 2/6
You are getting a little too obvious.
I see you’ve been hitting the beers again
I’m kind of embarrassed here. It was the only title that immediately sprang to mind at the second hint.
Never seen this one either
Framed #402
#Worldle #451 1/6 (100%)
Apr 17, 2023
13 | Avg. Guesses: 7.54
= 4
Before I forget.
Wortel 441 3/6
The word was ALTYD. We use the same word but spell it with a IJ. Utterly confusing!
Wordle 667 4/6
Wordle 668 3/6
Oh shucks - We’ll never find him on this moor.
Framed #403
Apr 18, 2023
14 | Avg. Guesses: 6.56
= 4
Wordle 668 5/6
Holy shit…
Framed #403
You got it!
Wordle 668 3/6
Thanks @SquirrelSmash, I could’ve ended up like @D.Sims.
Framed #403
I cheated like @Sevencasper and looked up the actor. I happened to recognise this one.
#Worldle #452 1/6 (100%)
Apr 18, 2023
14 | Avg. Guesses: 7.29
= 4
Wordle 669 5/6
I’m Back!!!
Framed #404
Lucky guess. I’m going to end up looking like a loser getting these things right.
Framed #404
#Worldle #453 3/6 (100%)
Wordle 669 3/6
Apr 19, 2023
15 | Avg. Guesses: 7.13
= 5
Wordle 669 3/6
What I’d like to do to a rhyming orange.
Framed #404
Apr 19, 2023
15 | Avg. Guesses: 6.63
= 7
Wordle 670 3/6
Framed #405