Apparent flavor ban in Canada?

They are using children as a front to banning flavors and have already addressed that in doing so people will return to smoking. It’s what they want, tobacco pays the government to operate and the government taxes the shit out of smokers. An example here it’s 20 bucks a pack for premium smokes. Less people smoking means less tax money. Big pharma gets paid well to treat smokers but not cure them and the government gets tax money to keep sick people in hospitals. It’s clear the revenue generated from smokers outweighs the cost of paying doctors, treatments, etc which is paid for by taxes and pharma gets money for meds needed and tobacco sells cigarettes and the government gets their tax money and all the higher ups win at the cost of public health


Both my parents are dead from smoking. Not one Both. It’s disgusting. It makes me want to throw up… they died horrible deaths too! My dad his lungs collapsed in front of me from emphysema . and my mother died 6 years later from stage 4 c.o.p.d. they just keep killing ppl. It’s gross.


It’s the typical shit of govt. It’s always the same story. Oil and gas didn’t want to invest in renewable so they strike it down to make more money. Where if they just started researching renewables 20 years ago they would be fine.

Now tobacco companies “vaping will be a fad” its here to stay. So screw the new methods “we don’t want to pay to research good ejuice flavors let’s push to ban those since we are in the govt pocket” when if they just started making juice when it was just a “fad” they would be making more than ever.

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Look at it this way, say, I don’t know an arbitrary 10K people quit their pack a day habits, smoking 20 dollar packs of cigarettes. and the government makes 10 bucks a pack from taxes. If you take 10kx10 then times that number by 365 you get 36,500,000 money that the government isn’t making. Each year the government is progressively making less and less… So they are going to kill the competition.

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I’m sure the taxes returned aren’t that high I just use simple numbers because I dumb

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I get that. I am saying if it wasn’t ran by (excuse my language) retards. They would see that things like solar or Ejuice if invested into early would have made them 10x what tobacco or fossil fuels make them. It’s that initial bottom line and change that prevents them from investing. Then they see it boom, get butt hurt, and make laws in favor of their archaic technologies. We saw the same thing in the US with lead. It was used in so many things the govt made money on, for years they denied lead caused any health issues. They have been and always will be too much of bitches to admit they fuck up and look like idiots. Just like all of us do. But they can’t be seen as human since they are elite.

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I see what you’re saying but comparing the revenue generated from Fossil Fuels and Ejuice a bit of a stretch

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and for the most part it’s not about making mistakes or fucking up, there’s other narratives at play that most people don’t see happening… Look at the UK, for instance, they have nothing but to benefit from pushing vaping. It’s easing their healthcare system and giving them money back, they haven’t been bought by tobacco companies or pharma, but I don’t think they’re safe either. Big Pharma and Big Tobaccos are global cartels and for the most part remain to call the shots unchecked, it’s not even a conspiracy at this point. Phillip Morris (a tobacco company in the states) bought around 1-2/3rds of ITC’s (India’s Tobacco Company) and the very next day the government outright banned Vaping. These are things they are doing in plain sight.

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So I should be.stocking thef up especially on nic an flavors I like…


You can call it a stretch but if we started pushing renewable hard 20 years ago like we did gas cars, a vast majority would have renewable sources. Thats how any new tech that is properly promoted works. No one needed a microwave. Look at every house now. If renewable was was pushed right from the stat it would have made it more main stream and would be a huge huge industry.

Same with tobacco you could say it’s a stretch. But If Phillip Morris was pushing vape juice 10 years ago that would be the new cigarette. Just like when tobacco first came out. Just market it right and it can be the next big thing.

It’s really not a stretch. Our society (majority of it) runs on what they are told and not what they think. Hense this whole debacle.


If that happens it’s going to start a hell of a mess in Europe, lots of countries might follow suit.
Googled it, but nothing about a vape ban in Sweden, let’s keep our fingers crossed!


It’s a flavor ban not vape ban, here is the link


I get what you are saying I just am growing tired of the constant threat from the Canadian Federal government about this same issue over and over. Then you don’t hear about it while campaign I’d on and all a sudden the d day happens to be the same deadline for the votes to be in for out election. I almost voted for the same mother fuxker that’s agreeing with health canada and going forward.with this bullshit. Why? Over money over money because the government takes tobacco taxes and they’re losing alot of $$ to vapers. There’s still plenty of cigarette smokers. They killed my parents how many more they need to kill?


Regarding stocking up on nicotine in Canada. The regulations have reached royal assent and the maximum strength of nicotine you can purchase is 20mg down from 60mg. I hope this information helps.


Fuck I’m mad rn. I paid for insurance from chefs but im sure it was customs why they feel the need to dump my product?

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What asshole does that??

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Nicotine yes, flavor concentrates will always be available because of the food and beverage industries. Vapers are only a small percentage of flavor sales customers.


you add vg and nic to it… It’s not a concentrate it looks to be premixed flavouring in a bottle…

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it even says drop shot on it