Aromamizer Supreme Postless Deck

Has anyone tried the postless deck for the Aromamizer Supreme yet?


Very interesting…hadn’t heard of that! It’s pre-order…wonder if it’s out anywhere else. Maybe they’ll come out with a series deck, also…

I saw someone with pics on the Steam Crave Lovers Facebook group so I assumed they were already released.

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really like the look of this!

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Yes, Very interesting. I love my Steam Crave Aromamizer Supreme, curious to see the postless deck design & feed back on it.

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Mine arrived with my limited edition blue supreme. I love the tank and I love the deck. Had a few early dry hits with a 4mm staple staggered fused dual build but after adjusting the cotton it’s working marvellously. A little trickier to build than the velocity deck, but I’ll be ordering more :+1: