Asmodus Comeback?

About 2-3 years back, I put in a notification request to Asmodus for restock on a Colossal as I wanted to have a backup. A year went by before I noticed that they had let their domain expire. Oh well, I had found another elsewhere. Then I got an email yesterday that it was back in stock

OK, that sounds cool and all, then noted that master phrase “Tiiny Shisha Disposables”. The home page was way different than I remembered and there was no menu to see if any other mods old or new were now also available. Just disposables and junk.

Then I backed up a directory from the Colossal page…

A lot of the old products are there, but nothing in stock (that I checked) except the black Colossal I had originally wanted. I was about to put it off as a scam, but also noticed that they still have downloads for firmware and manuals, which likely would not have come with a domain purchase. (And they still had my email) So, I’ll keep my eye on this. Actually, I wouldn’t mind getting ahold of another Blank RDA :thinking:


I think that would be awesome if Asmodus was to make a comeback. I always wanted a Asmodus Luna. I currently own 3 Asmodus C4 single coil Rda’s Purple, Blue and Silver. They are my favorite flavor banging Rda’s. I’ve thought about buying a Asmodus Spruzza squonk from Stabwood mods in the UK though I cant seem to pull the trigger and just buy one.


One that i never got but wanted…Anything that would make you want to trade ??

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I appreciate the offer Fiddy but I couldn’t trade my C4’s they are all really beat up. The outer are all chipped and the decks need a few weeks in a ultrasonic bath. I do believe that a shop near me has another blue one in stock for $35.00. I can check on Tuesday and if they do I’ll pick it up then we can talk trade. :+1:

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Ok…Im thinking Citadel , Or Elder or whatever…Let me know