Baby Beast Coil Shortage

I will never endorse a tank I like again. I had to go to a vendor I don’t know anything about to get the coils. and are both out.


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i shop vapenw a lot but i do have issues sometimes getting coils for their kits like the rx75 couldnt gwt coils for the tank it came with forever so i put a clieto on it which worked better any way

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101 Vape has them in stock. I’ve ordered from them 3 times. Fast delivery


Thanks TinMan! I ended up ordering from eciggity (I saw folks from here had ordered from them before) I think I paid 15.99 for the .15 quad coils. The dual .4 coil (I have 6 left of) taste awful to me for some reason. The longer I vape the more of a coil snob I become lol


Eciggity is a good one. They have an awesome customer service reputation.


I’ve ordered from Eciggity many times…good peeps!


And now… they will run out of coils. (ha)

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Eciggity is great. If you ever get in a bind again PM me bc the baby beast is my favorite and I always keep more vape equipment and coils around then I usually need! I have a few wholesale accounts and can usually find good deals.

Cool! Thanks! had some, dont know if they still do. I just bought 2 box’s of 5 packs, had them on sale for 35 % off.

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Thank you!

BTW, The RBA for the Baby and the TFV8 Beast are easy to wick and have been working great for me. A lot cheaper than buying coil heads and great back-up’s the next time your’e in a pinch.

I am finding the same shortage issues in Canada. Both the Baby and CB coils are getting harder to find.

I bought a bunch of each from Fasttech to ensure I am stocked. I am generally a RTA guy, but I love that I am getting about a month out of these coils. They were cheap and with ePacket, they were at my door within 2 weeks.

I have about 50 Baby coils and about 40 CB coils which should last me a couple/few years in my 4 tanks. After that, strictly RBAs in all of them.

I had one and I got a bad one. It was shorting out. My experience with RBA’s in general have proven to be frustrating. I’m kind of nutty about getting liquid on my hands. I can’t stand the sticky feeling. These tanks don’t leak and even when the coil gets old it doesn’t leach liquid at all. Smok has pretty good quality control with the stock coils, as good or better than aspires newer stuff.