Was just a joke. Of course customer service comes first. But God wouldn’t it be good to tell that person off. @SmilingOgre would just eat him. Problem solved.
I’ve worked for decades with annoyed and ignorant computer users… I know all about wanting to hurt those customers but it pays back to just be the better man.
I know, but the fun part you are missing out!
One found you. They are out there. Mindless dweebs looking for something to bitch about. I was the co-owner of a repair shop for a number of years. My partner was a member of a bikers club. His cronies would come in demanding a discount and telling me all of the people they would bring to my door. I told them straight up I didn’t want them at my door because they would be the same kind of assholes wanting something for nothing. Leave and take your friends with you. The vaping thing. The majority of the people here in the U.S. are drinking the propaganda cool aid and vaping is bad, bad, bad. Church Lady told them so on Faux News and MSLSD. Walking brain dead.
That’s a joke right ??? That’s a customer you would be better off without
Fricken right! Shut the fuck up, lunch.
Please call Google and try to have this review removed. Just show/attach Google the comments of this post. Clearly someone has a grudge other than your workmanship and is out to hurt your business which is not indicative of your work.
re: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/threads/vaping-scare-stories.920993/
5 stars and 2 thumbs up
I just said “nice folks, great work!” & gave you 5 stars.
BTW- I don’t have a BMW, but am on my 14th HD.
Don’t need a cocksucker like that for a customer anyway
He rides a BMW. That’s a red flag right there!
Edited to say I replied before seeing you ride a Beemer.
Thanks Brother
Holy Moly !!! I just checked my rating , know I’m trying to sort thru, see who did. Anyway whoever did, Please pick out a atty stand, please pick one out, I will give half off , You guys are Top Notch in my book. DM me let me know the one you like. I do appreciate it guys.
I amuse myself at times, when first attempting to post a positive review for @Mix_and_Hope I got it all wrong and gave a great review to R & W Welding & Machine Shop in Missouri.
Got it right now, all the best mate
There is really no need my friend, it is the least we can do for one of our own.
Seems Karma has an affinity for vapers in this case. I’m glad this had a more positive outcome for you.
-cue up Born To Be Wild-