Banana cream at high percent is almost banana runts
Banana runts, the real thing…
I have been fervently looking for a very artificial, sweet banana because I love those runts and want a juice version so bad… but all the bananas I have all taste like natural banana. Sure, I like them all, but none are cloyingly sweet and fake like I want.
I just asked my friend, and he replied that banana taffy is his favorite thing in the world. I think I’ll try small bottles of a couple different bananas, and see what he thinks.
I just read this description on Flavor Revolution Banana Candy:
“Similar to the famous Banana Taffy taste. This flavor is perfect with butterscotches, caramels, desserts, other candies, and even fruits! Being so diverse, this is a must have Banana flavor for your arsenal!”
I’m going to try it, and I’ll let you know how it works out.
i recall seeing a 'nana that someone described as runts but that couldve been just a general description, was thread for flavor brand that iam not familiar with
Of the dozen or so bananas that I have tried, these 5 made the cut as my go to. I didn’t have a realistic artificial candy banana until I tried the RF. That’s exactly what it was meant to be… not ripe or cream or real banana. I must say @Walt_RealFlavors nailed it.
Interesting! I don’t get a candy aspect with the RFSC. It’s in my Banana Pudding recipe that my local vape shop manager and one of the counter guys are ordering from me. Those guys swear they’ve not had a real banana flavor until I came along. Granted, they mostly get retail liquids… I definitely don’t get any runts flavor from it. What percentages were you testing it with?
Edit- I’m going to SF test it at whatever you tried to see how it goes. I did just get lucky with this recipe and haven’t done the real work involved to know the flavor by itself.
TBH I’m a bit perplexed and I really don’t know how to reply.
My view on the RF is…
Your view…
Their view…
Subjectivity at it’s best.
I was thinking the same! This was briefly mentioned earlier in the post that the op read the notes and what one said was authentic another said runts! Thus, the importance of researching, and then ultimately testing for your own results.
Yep, I agree.
I’ve been working on a Banana Moon Pie recipe, but the banana combo I 1st used was just to real. The mix kinda tasted more like a dessert, rather than a snack. Then I get the Nana Taffy RF and it was just the right artificial Nana I needed.
On the the other hand, my Nana combo…(Banana Cream LA and Banana MF) delivers the best Nana combo I’ve tried for a Nana Pudding… it just didn’t work for the moon pie.
I’m fairly certain there are a hundred thousand versions of a actual Nana Pudding, so I guess we can expect the same on the vape side.
Oh, man! I thought you were talking about the Banana RF in the comment I replied to! I’m sure the Banana Taffy would ruin my pudding if I tried It! Haha! Sorry for the confusion, which does explain how perplexed you were.
I didn’t want to say it, but that’s what I was thinking.
Here it is if you’re interested to check it out. I’m always open to hear what the more experienced mixers might have to say.
Getting back on topic, I highly recommend (to the op) not trying the non-taffy Banana RFSC if you want a candy Banana. But, you never know!
I came to realize the most focus should be on creams. A nana pudding is a very delicate flavor so I tried to make mine as soft as possible. The GC SC RF is kind of an upsteeper and can take over soft flavors. It did overtake my last version. Smart of you to use a GC/Cookie combo. If I was to adjust anything it’ll be the GC to around .25-.3%.
But TBH we used several different flavors so I’m not fully confident offering advice on your mix.
Thank you! I’ll give that a go next time. Need to let this fully steep out to a couple of months + to see how far out it goes. It’s only made it to 30 days, so far.
And, now back to your regularly scheduled content! Sorry for the derail! Runts!
+1 for LA Banana Cream. And Liquid Barn Banana. Flavorah Banana is kinda candy tasting to me, too.
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I ended up with Banana Candy by Flavor Revolution (who could resist a flavor described as “divisive?”), Banana Cream (LA), and Banana Cream (TPA). The Real Flavors sounded good, but Nic River doesn’t carry it. I do have the FA Bano, but maybe that’s best kept to myself.
For the first time, I’ll be actually testing this out (on someone else) as single flavors, in different concentrations. So, I ordered a bunch of small bottles, too.
The only banana i have experience with, so my opinion is definitely one sided.
I agree with the above description!
Just to clarify, the puke was for FA Bano, not the other three flavors I listed. LOL. I just get sour green banana from FA Bano and it’s not good. I don’t like it. Like, AT ALL. In case that wasn’t clear.
The other three I use pretty regularly. Well, not the LB much but I would if I were after a candy or taffy banana.