Battery question - Mod getting hot

Hello all,

I noticed that a few of my batteries are causing my mod to get really hot. I vape a single 18650 at 27 watt at around .97 to 1.05 ohm. Is this a case of my batteries venting? The batteries are probably anywhere from 6 - 18 months old. Should I re-wrap them or discard them?



Well I’ll let some of our EE chime in deeper, but typically if your batteries are getting HOT, somethings NOT right. Either you’re overdrawing (overloading) them, or they could need to be replaced.

Your hot batteries are NOT venting, hehe. If they DID vent, you would KNOW it. For your safety, I would recommend NOT vaping batteries that are getting hot. Warm (subjective) can happen.

Many of us moved onto dual 18650’s (or bigger) to prevent asking a single cell to do too much work. Have you been using this setup for a while, and only recently started getting hot ?

No matter the brand, size, color, shape. Cool batteries are HAPPY batteries. Anything different can lead to UNHAPPY batteries, overcurrented, venting, and early failure.


Thanks for the reply. I have been using single 18650’s since I started 2 1/2 years ago and never recall having this problem. I use an Eleaf IStick Picox.


sounds like just old batts but no thats not “venting” and rewrappin’ wont help


First thing on the Pico X is to clean the threads on the battery cap and the corresponding threads on the body of the mod. It is common for those threads to get “dirty” and heat up. Next would be the condition of the batteries.


Yup. Sounds like maybe old batteries but also just poor quality batteries.

What brand and where did you buy them from? Not all 18650’s are created equal.


What device are you using? How old is it? Have you ensured that the battery contacts are clean and effectively making contact with the cell? If you haven’t already done so, clean the 510 connector as well. Dirty contacts and threads can be troublesome when diagnosing an electrical issue, but if it’s only happening with some cells and not all then I’d say you’ve gotten your money’s worth from the tired cells. It’s likely time to replace them and I would advise against using and/or charging them.


Thanks everyone. Sounds like my batteries need to be replaced. I only buy Samsung, LG, etc. but they are probably at the end of their useful life. My newer batteries seem to work fine and don’t overheat.


Anyone aware of any good sales? :smiley:


300-500 cycles depending but sounds like u in vtc6/30 q range, imr, illumn liion all great vendors that have constant sales but make sure u are buying right batt for your application. Check out but if any further questions we be happy to help


You would know if your cell vented. They are not shy about expressing their dark side. They don’t whine and fidget. They explode or burst into flames violently.

As said, they have probably reached retirement age.


… As part of manufacturing, lithium-ion cells undergo initial cycling and aging a part of a “formation” process (discussed above). Normal formation will produce flammable gases which, depending upon the cell design, may or may not be vented during this process. Formation gases are vented from large format cells, prismatic cells, and pouch cells. They are not vented from small cylindrical cells such as 18650s but rather remain contained within the cell case. …

The above text indicates that 18650 batteries are not “vented” to release any gasses produced in factory QC tests. If your batteries had “vented”, you would very likely know about it (if nothing else, released gasses stink). Watch this video of 18650 battery venting. If they ever did or do - do not ever, ever try to charge or discharge them again after such an event. “Re-wrapping” does nothing (save for electrical insulation - which should not be necessary in the case of your mod). Wraps thermally insulate - holding heat inside batteries.

It has been observed that the vast majority of thermal runaway reactions that occur in the field occur during or shortly after cell charging. From an energy perspective, cell thermal runaway is unlikely to occur in a cell at a low SOC. … the heat transfer environment of a cell undergoing a thermal runaway reaction can play a large role in the severity of the reaction. High ambient temperatures or adiabatic insulation will increase the likelihood that any given internal fault can drive a cell to thermal runaway, and increase the energy available to heat the cell. Conversely, if a cell is surrounded by thermally conducting media (e.g., surrounded by densely packed cells or coolant), heat loss may prevent or mitigate a thermal runaway reaction.


I went to the battery YouTube channel called “the mooch” and took notes on batteries, and he had some he recommended.
I like Illumn, they sell the batteries as cheap as I could find anywhere, and they don’t sell rewraps or junk.
So I followed the advice on the mooch for a few models to buy, and figured I would try a couple of each. I wound up with:
Sony VTC6
Samsung 30Q
Lg HG2
And Samsung 25R

I also followed the advice of the mooch and have “married” the batteries which is simply a matter of marking respective batteries with numbers to match them, and employing them together in my dual 18650 rigs, and charging them together as well. Not sure how important that is but I’m doing it for fun.


Just a (possibly unrelated) thought. My relatively new Pico 25 required a re-flash of its Firmware recently. (In Power as well as TC-SS modes), rather than properly displaying coil-load Amps (followed by an “A” in the display), it started to display 4-digits followed by “P”. Seemed pretty “flaky” to me. eLeaf page for Istick FW.

If you can, wait a bit for the (around) “Black Friday” time period - as some vendors (may) post sale prices.


Oh, here’s a copy of my order, you can see the pricing. Worth noting also is the fact that every battery came with dual battery cases, which weren’t even mentioned while I was ordering.
And the new batteries seem to perform better. Of course, I think my car runs better on a full tank of gas. Might be in my head.


Those snazzy cases help to keep the Muons from leaking out - which promotes “harmonic convergence”. Numerous independent studies report that “married” pairs live longer, happier (albeit boring) lives. … :clown_face: Even if charging two same-make/model batteries is done in series-electrical-connection (which they are very likely not in battery chargers), inter-battery differences in charged (usable) capacity will exist between individual units. Two batteries sharing similar electrical loads when used (such as, in the same Mod) may well tend to (at least somewhat) “track” in terms of usable lifetime (of charge/discharge cycles), however.


Yo! @Chef_Johnny

You do realize that you just published major personal data on a worldwide forum… Right?

Name, address, telephone number…


Fixed it cheers mate


Thanks both of you.