Been vaping for one year

hey people, hard to believe more than a year has gone by since i started vaping.

Followed the initial craze, was fun and expensive, today i stick to building, as my day to day vaping setup i use a eleaf tc40 on regular mode with a subtank mini. I’ve tried various rba’s. IMO the subtank mini is the best suiting to go on my day to day.

What about you guys, what do you keep sticking too?


Not a bad little setup in my opinion though many around here would disagree. I use the Rx200 with a Uwell Crown. In the Crown I use the RBA built to .09 ohms with 22 gauge TI wire. I also use a IPV4s mod with the same tank. When my lungs need a break I use the Eleaf 40wTC and a Aspire Nautilus Mini for the tank. I have been experimenting by using the Triton Mini Clapton coils now for just a touch more vapor and air in the Nautilus. I’m a happy camper these days…

It’s been over a year of vaping. But like 6 months smoke free. Yeah. I use my wismec dna200 with the billow v2. And my wismec RX200 with the crown. And my backup is a snow wolf 200 with thhe Aromamizer. I use all 3 everyday. 3 different flavors.


Congrats on your anniversary!
My main setups are:
Everything but the Crown has a dual Ti coil setup
Wismec Reuleaux DNA200 with either the Aromamizer RTA or OBS Crius with around a .1 ohm.
Joytech Evic VTC Mini with a Bellus or Mutation-X MT
Either an iStick 60w TC or Sigelei 75w TC with the Goblin Mini RTA or Crown with the RBA.
I carry 2 mods at all times with a case that holds the second mod and 4 tanks and I usually have either a Velocity or Twisted Messes RDA with me and a bottle of juice for dripping. My work environment affords me time to vape when I can, just not inside the building.

Since I got the RTA’s my tanks, including my Kanger Sub Tank haven’t seen much use. LOL

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@bradslinux how do you like the sigelei 75w? was thinking about getting that or either the Evic Vt mini soon

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Hey @AntVapes if you are into 18650 changeable bat mods that are relatively small with a nice output i would recommend not getting a 18650 changeable bat mod and just getting a small compact device for the day to day and keeping the large duals at home. I mean that’s what I’m into.

I can’t go about my work smoking designated area and just blow fat clouds. I always use the subtank with the rba, i haven’t used any stock coil for over 9 months, just really used them in the begining. Now i build around 0.3 - 0.4 around 3 volts between 21 and 25 watts 24 g kanthal spaced coils running my own 70/30 blend 6mg and just works great.

I would like to have a single coil top fill tank thats nice and small, how’s the rba with the crown guys?

I like it pretty well, but it does have it’s limitations. It doesn’t specifically do Titanium, but backing the temp off 100-125 deg works fine and delivers a great vape. I don’t and won’t use nickel, and I wouldn’t try SS on it. I still think it is one of the most handsome mods created. I use it regularly in my rotation.
If I where looking to buy another mod, I would buy another EVIC VTC Mini hands down over the Sigelei for function alone. The Mini is one heck of a little mod.

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I have 4 mods, all with different setups.

My main, take-to-work setup is a Sigelei 150w with the TFV4 and quad coils
Sitting at home testing flavors or just vapin’ the dream I use my iPV 3 Li with a Velocity and dual Ti coils
When I want a change of flavor I grab my iPV D2 with my Kanger Sub-Tank Mini with a staggered-fused SRV coil
And I still have the Cubis atop my iPV D3 with the standard coil that comes on it. I find myself picking this one up every once in awhile just for the hell of it. I still kinda like this tank. This would normally have my Aromamizer on it but I need to rebuild it and I just haven’t taken the time yet. And I am still testing the Cubis out :wink:

At home l drip. Currently using the rx200 with velocity rda, ss coils around .22 ohms. Also hexohm v2.1 with sapor rda, Clapton coils at about .4 ohms. Segelei 150 with derringer rda with Clapton coils. My newest toy is the noisy cricket series mod. With mini velocity. At work I carry joytech evic vtc mini. With the aromamizer or bellow v2, or kanger subtank mini tank. Segelei 75 doesn’t get used much.

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