I agree, looks like a list of ingredients for a yummy strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone!
Like for realz I want to mix all those flavors right now. Lol
i would add sweet strawberry from cap to mix with the ripe and meringue FA where are you ordering from ??? or another strawberry i personally like red touch FA over ripe but ripe is most commonly used so its a must
I really like the combo of strawberry FA and ripe strawberry tpa. Strawberry is one that you often need two strawberry’s from different companies to get a decent start to a SB vape.
Fuji FA is a good one to have
I am partial to kiwi FA.
Fresh cream FA.
You may want a custard.
Either cap or FA. Lots of folks use cap v1 for custard. But I do like custard FA for simple fruits.
You must add Flavor Arts Meringue for starters, I promise. Also man, with Waffle youre going to want to add butter and maple syrup, they just go so well together and another you will not regret it. id say 10 mL meringue at least, 30 ml maple syrup, 10 ml butter. If you want a recipe to make from what you have for a waffle I would be happy to share. But other than that you nailed it. Also Id consider picking up tfas peach and raspberry sweet and 2 oz of sweetener. 10% peach 5 % raspberry 3% sweetener is a very live mix. good all day vape to start with. Damn and Capellas Version 1 Custard and Sugar cookies are staples…the custard goes great with vanilla bean ice cream and the sugar cookies will go well with the cheesecake. Sorry if this is too much at once lol
Cheesecake graham crust (not sure which graham cracker you were getting)
Meringue (like everyone else said)
Either fa cookie or cap sugar cookie