Hey, after suggestions for beginners pod recipe. Looking for a recipe that only has a few ingredients (or can be substituted with other brands due to living in Australia).
Looking for big fruit iced flavour OR mint/peppermint ice.
Currently have a number of grape and bubblegums in stash but happy to build collection
Not sure if this is relevant: Recently started using caliburn GK3. Been using .6 and .9 pods. Freebase nic around 6% (first diy made me think nic was to high, harsh as)
That would work if you like the icy stuff. However, you could also try 2 grapes to help the profile.
As far as I know pod recipes need a fair amount of percentage for the flavour but with fruits you could add more as you go without having to wait too long for a steep.
I do MTL so usually have higher total percentage in my mixes, but I use more flavours in them too.
Don’t forget you may want some sweeteners in there, I don’t use them but supersweet seems to be the popular one for pods.