Best coils for flavor in manta rta

Im wondering whats the best duel coil to get great flavor in the manta rta,
Looking for something fairly simple to build eg fused clapton preferably ss316.
I dont care about clouds only flavor.
Any advice would be appreciated thanks Jamie

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Sounds like a regular double core fused clapton would do fine, e.g. 2x28g/38g. Check up on youtube for an easy fused clapton using a beadalon.


The Spool Tamers are worth their weight in gold and IMO they’re easier to use than the Daedalus.


Thanks guys I have seen plenty of videos of using spool tamers to make them so will go that way. I have had no problem building single core claptons by hand so that will be even easier. Looks like I will be ordering some 28 & 38g soon.

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Those gauges were just a suggestion… you can play a little with them (as long as your coil can still fit in your atty).
I usually make either 26g or 28g core fused claptons and I wrap them with whatever I have available, usually between 36g and 40g. Just make sure your wrap isn’t too thick because it increases ramp up and it’ll retain heat a lot more, SS is notorious for that.
That being said, I much prefer the multicore fused claptons but they’re a hell of a lot harder to make :wink:
At the moment, I’m also using flaptons (flat wire claptoned) and they have a pretty similar performance to my regular fused claptons. The downside of those are that flatwire is very springy to work with.

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I will definitely leave the flat wire alone for now. After doing more research and trying some pre maid coils I have ordered some 40g n80 and found that I actually have 24-28g ss so I will mess around with them. I will probably try duel and triple core fused first.
I have found the combo of ss and n80 seems to give the best of both worlds.
I will grab some 38 or 40ss once they get it back in stock as that way I will be able to try both plain ss and a combo and see which I really like better.
Thanks for the help I appreciate it.

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