I got all excited over this Milk and honey flavor but most recipes i try and even remake of others there’s something missing or feels left out but it isn’t that ive bought extra concentrates hoping to enhance it. Is it more sweetner I need? Or what? Does anyone else have issues with this flavor? Even this M and Honey cosmic fog I mixed up and again bought the concentrates to remake its just not right. @Rocky02852 swearsbby this stuff and ive tried a few of his but its still bland or something isn’t right for me anyway. Anyone got any good ideas for this i have 30mls and have no idea what to do with this flavor.
I liked it, but I don’t think it’s an actual Milk and Honey flavouring at all… Tastes dark and sweet to me.
Things I’d be curious to try and use it in would be a Bread Pudding if my memory serves me well enough to attach it to a profile. It has been years afterall.
Agreed…Its a good flavor but when i first bought it i was hoping for less dark
How bout some Candy Corn!
I just bought this a couple of weeks ago and feel the same. While I do like it, there is something missing. Nothing major, just a little something to get it around the curve.
I feel like M&H is more a blender. A sweet, Golden syrup with a dairy aspect. I made a couple of Rocky’s M&H recipes and they were brilliant, nicely blended, not harsh, exceptionally good. Just my opinion.
Thanks guys! Much appreciated!
My experience’s have been the same and I am not one that can taste subtle flavours very well and I struggle to taste much at all from some of these ultra low percentage recipes. It’s only since I have mixed some of Rocky’s recipes that I’ve really used FLV Milk And Honey and realised what a good flavour it actually is. I always use 0.5% of Caps Super Sweet in my recipes unless it states to use a different sweetener and I find it helps the flavour “pop” without it I find recipes bland.
@ladycrooks what kind of atomisers are you using may I ask and what is your average wattage? I normally average around 50-55 watts and get a good saturated vape.
I would also like to ask you if you are satisfied with the flavour that you get from the other recipes that you try as sometimes wicking can be at fault if you use rebuildable atomisers? I may be barking up the wrong tree here but I thought it might be worth asking.