Best MTL tank

hello :slight_smile:

anyone found any good long drip dip for mtl on the fasttech?

please share links!

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One of the things I was slow to learn about coils was “heat capacity”, which shows on the SteamEngine calculator. Some of my coils took a lot longer to heat up and start producing vapor than other coils.

Basically, the bigger the AWG the better the heat capacity (faster vapor). That’s why I prefer the 30 AWG Kanthal over the 28 AWG. And I may be wrong, but I can’t tell the difference between a 6 wrap @ 30 AWG and an 8 wrap @ 28 AWG after they both hit their max.

Also, FWIW, the SteamEngine calculator always shows a resistance that is lower than what I actually get. Usually between 0.3 and 0.6 ohms. I guess that’s the difference between theory and practice. I think it was Yogi Berra that said, “In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice there is.”


Leg length that u enter as well as if you wind em spaced, longer wire = higher resistance


Look into a Dvarw MTL by KHW mods. These are sometimes hard to get but they restock the website with a few each week and looking up their KHW Mods group on Facebook will help.

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