The mod - I have hit it in the vape shop but don’t own one. Reason I pick it is that it’s a regulated squonk box with plenty of features at a decent price. I can’t attest to the functionality of the temperature control features, but let’s be honest, just because it has TC doesn’t mean you have to use it. A huge percentage of the people I talk to never use TC. But it’s there if you want to monkey with it.
The RSA (new hipster term meaning Rebuildable Squonk Atomizer) is fantastic. In this case, RSA is accurate in my opinion because as a dripper I think it sucks. But with squonking - LOVE IT. Smooth air flow for a single coil and the flavor is intense. It’s super easy to build and wick making it very newbie friendly. I can’t overstate how much I love this atty.
I do think this would be a tremendous first setup for anyone interested in squonking. And if that’s not your thing, then a cheap RDA would finish off your mod nicely. One more piece of kit that I think should be standard issue for any sqonker is a refill bottle. Element Vape has those too. Oh and I didn’t shop around before posting this. Element has all this stuff so I just grabbed URLs from them to make it easy. You may well find all this stuff cheaper elsewhere.
I started vaping about three months ago, and two weeks in I got the Drop RDA (I started off with a voopoo starter kit with tank, and quickly got a smok kit for longer battery life)
Drop is super easy to build, and I have great time with it, especially with sweet coil killer liquids. I use prebuilt clapton coils on it, and the only two tools I need are a 3mm screwdriver, and small cutter to trim it. For cotton I use what my local guy sells: cotton bacon.
My first two or three builds were bad since i had no clue how much cotton to thread in, but on the third try I figured out what works for me.
yes i was looking at the squonkers, the search for 1st rda is gonna definately have a squonk pin, noticed alot do nowadays, but i would like to have a squonk unit that has the display, unlike the kanger dripbox which doesnt show the ohms, the wattage/voltage, or battery level, i need to get one soon, i dont like tanks anymore, the coils are getting so expensive, i did however get the fireluke mesh before i decided to go the rda route
you totally read my mind, during research i spotted this vandy vape pulse 80w squonk box and bookmarked it for later will get after i get this rda thing figured out, keeping a lookout on great deals on this one, and deciding which color,
@TheTInMan, now i really love this one, dual batt and also has screen, in red it looks fantastic, now only to decide btween the vandy vape and this, and first have to find a good beginner rda with squonkability! THANKS FOR THE heads up, its a beauty
yeah, heard great things about the Wotofo Recurve RSA thanks for the referral, i am ( i think i am ) narrowing it down. Saw a demo of both the recurve and the pulse on youtube, they look really good together and are not too expensive
did that have something to do with the coils themselves or the deck? so you got best flavor using 2 coils?? were they a certain type ( clapton, ss, tc? ) thx viv
HCIGAR AURORA 80W TC SQUONK BOX MOD with a Recurve has been great for me on both VW and Temp Control. Not needing adapters to use 18650 20700 and 21700s is also nice.
“This is mainly because the rda has too much airflow for a single coil and yes more surface area” This was @Chrispdx reason for the increase in flavor.
I did dual kanthal coils single 26 gauge wire on a 3mm coil rod that came out to .3 ohms. The old rda that I have is a three post Dark horse that has adjustable airflow but i’m guessing it is designed for dual coils. So it had airflow coming from both sides when using the single coil which lowered the flavor output! Secondly you double the surface area running dual coils to heat the ejuice producing more vape and enhancing the flavor.
I believe if this device had a deeper juice well and better o’rings, it would be just as good as all of those I ordered from fasttech. The thing was purchased back in 2015 and we didn’t have the hundreds of options we have today!!
That squanking device looks pretty promising too! Will be watching to see what you end up with!
If your main reason for wanting a squonk setup is that you are tired of paying for coils, then there is also another alternative and that is to get an RTA (Rebuildable Tank Atomizer). I would still recommend that you start with an RDA as they are much easier to learn to build and wick on, but instead of going all the way with a squonk mod, you might also want to consider going the RTA route instead.
As for a regulated squonk mod then I have personally had good experience with the Anita from Arctic Dolphin, in fact I wrote a small review of it, though other reviews I have read have been a bit more mixed. As a general rule I will however say that regulated squonk mods still aren’t of the same quality as most normal mods.
I would say that is true for most mech squonkers too. I’ve had some dudes. The Defiant Designs TS being the mech exception and the Rage as the regulated exception.
Geekvape has an amazing regulated squonker that i tried out for a while (a friend owns it) - Gbox squonk kit. It has pretty much everything you want to find/see on a dual battery 200w mod. VandyVape pulse 80w is also awesome, and my daily vape is the ijoy capo squoner which is simple but works great on single coil builds.
I honestly don’t even want to try a mech mod when there are enough regulated options around.
@viva I don’t know what tanks you are currently using, but you could also look into the RBA’s for those tanks!!
I have a couple old Kangertech subtank plus models and have purchased the rba’s for them and currently vaping a parallel 26 gauge 4 or 5 wrap (can not remember) 3mm that is reading .55 ohm and vaping at 32.5 watts and it is giving me very good flavor!! Current mix isn’t the best but i am getting the flavor profile!!
I have a couple other tanks that i need to locate rba’s for as well! Just a thought!
No idea. They call it the Rage 155W Chipset. I’ve messed with it a little in TC with SS and Ti, but that really isn’t my thing.
It is pricy but @Lostmarbles found a deal a few weeks ago for $50. Not sure if it is still running or not.
ETA: It has a fast response time when you push the fun button. 90w is as high as I’ve had it and it hits pretty damn hard at 90w. It does have a bypass mode if you want to mess with that.
Yes. Friday13 was working when I ordered over the weekend. But you can only get purple or white. But I paid 64 to get a third bottle and for shippings. Not a bad deal at all. @Lostmarbles