That’s a great idea. I will definitely try it out, so tired of having to cut all that cotton.
It’s just that the fused clapton will hold about 3 drops of liquid on each coil and you can get 3 good vapes and then you can just burn off that flavor and try another flavor
Also you can put 1 to 2 drops of one flavor on 1 coil and 1 to 2 drops of another flavor on the 2nd coil and try combos ( Strawberry - Watermelon )
Brilliant. Thank you.
I have tried this with Quad flavors that work well 1 drop cheesecake 1 drop Graham Crust on one coil and 1 drop of 2 different Strawberrys on the other coil … LOL
This has been discussed a while ago. I’ve seen this in a video before but here’s a post with pictures:
Been testing new mixes on coils without a wick for years. Works very well with the right coil. I’d love to find someone that could make me some new stovetops. I LOVED that coil for testing!
Right on I have been using 2 fused claptons for over a year now with no cotton and it works well
velocity V2
i can make some for you. dm me and we’ll talk
When you say you can drip onto the coil with no cotton do you mean exactly that?does it give you the same flavour as with cotton?
Lol i got that excited i forgot to read the rest of the thread.thats just a brilliant little cheat that must save hours,thankyou for that.
Yes I drip right on the fused clapton coils with no cotton ( Doing it right now ) you only get 3 good hits but it’s a good way to test
Im gona do that,so simple but effective.
I Like ALL SS fused claptons
The Best thing about the Velocity is you can adjust your airflow from a little too a lot and dial it in to the way you like it Also try different drip tips to get the best flavor
( Drip tips can make a world of difference )
This is what I test with.
I don’t squonk with this device
I don’t use cotton [or any wick]
I drop juice straight on two SS alien claptons
DB 160W with Velocity V2
i use a kennedy 24 with a 3mm id 10 wrap 26g SS coil. i keep some of the off cuts when i’m wicking, put them in a spare battery case and use these to roll up into little balls just small enough to easily push inside the coil with my fingers… a few drops of juice, pop the sleeve on and i’m away…
it’s very easy and simple and i can quickly push out the ball with a toothpick, burn the coils dry and slot in another ball in a mater of seconds if i want to test a few flavours in quick succession.
I am lazy. Goon clone and rayon and I rarely rewick. If I dont want to taste the last test influencing the new test I drip and vape some 0mg unflavored pg/vg to clean the rayon before I test the next.
Been wanting to make my flavour testing just that little bit more simple so turned one of my Kennedy 24 clones into a single coil rig. Just got the silicon jigimethinga that holds the ceramic block for a single coil set up in my Griffin desk ornament (leaky piece of >@*&ing *#@^!) and trimmed up 2 of the tags with nail clippers and stuck them in the airflow holes on one side.
Instead of the 2 x 26g SS coils now running a single Geekvape SS Juggernaut 4mm id and she vapes like a bloody champ with tons of flavoursome vapour . This has been my flavour tester for a month or more now and as i said earlier i’d just stick a little ball of wick into the coils, enough to hold a good few drops of juice but i thought i would wick 'er up good 'n proper and give her a bloody good threshing and see how it performs… holds a ton more juice (2ml?) with the deck open on one side and no leaking… guess i’m just gunna have to buy another one to use as a single coil all day dripper, eh?
I think God made the Kennedy clones just for me