I just fire up the coil (without wick) to glowing and turn it upside down (not firing) into a small saucer with water in it (just enough to wet the coil). Repeat a few times and your coils are nice and clean. You’ll see all the gunk that’s come off sitting in the saucer. If there is a large amount of gunk, you can softly brush the coil with a tooth brush after the dunk. When you’re done, fire up the coil to burn off any water, readjust your coil if necessary and re-wick.
Ya, forgot about dipping the coil. The thermal shock cracks and floats the caked crust off the coil. Thanks for the reminder. I use to do this then got side tract about placing it under running water.
You have to dip coil!!
Thanks @Lostmarbles for the effort. Makes a big difference.
No problem bro.
Dude thanks for the advice. That sounds feasible and will be giving it a shot.
A pleasure… happy tasting!
This was a discussion last night on the #ELR IRC Chat. Thanks @R0B for inspiration. Quick testing of new flavors or recipe development can be hindered by the vaping process, and mostly changing the cotton etc. The challenge being the ability to quickly change the cotton and dry burn the coil to start fresh. Rewicking wastes time, and doing it alot uses up material$.
Some great advice in other threads has been to use the old school cartomizers …barrel type and unbridged 510 that don’t have cotton. I wanted to use something more powerful for my newer sub-ohm gear and an RDA I had on-hand. I thought I could build a coil (Twisted Clapton?) that had so much surface area it didn’t need wicking to hold a “taste test” amount of e-liquid.
After chatting with @R0B about “Stovetop coils” I got the idea. Two vertical Clapton Stovetop coils with just a small ball of easily changed rayon/cotton in-between. This morning I made two SS Clapton Stovetop coils on my Velocity mini, and it takes like 30 seconds to unwick-> dry-burn -> rewick. Wicking does not touch the bottom, this example is just for Testing juice/flavors …After using I will definitely be rewicking full to use my Velocity mini in it’s full application. It turned out great!
Just a little ball of rayon to hold 6-8 drops
This is without any wicking and shows the next fluff ball about to go in. I just grab the ball with my tweezers and shove it all the way to the bottom, then pull it back up a little past the coils and then tuck it back down into position …done
…and here it firing up like a maniac on my HCIGAR Vt133 (DNA200) 0.10 Ohm 4 wraps dual GeekVapes Fused SS Clapton running 65W and 420 degrees in TC mode
That’s awesome!
what an amazing idea…
This should totally be called ‘The Princess Leia’
OMG that’s great! For the Chewbakka setup see the various hemp wicking tutorials.
Well that’s exactly what I did! After I built this for some testing with Rayon it was working so well I rewicked with a longer piece (rayon again) and it IS amazing and I used it exclusively for like 24 hours …then my hemp wick came in the mail. Now Leia is sporting somewhat of a mohawk and I couldn’t be happier with the result …and the promise it could be less hassle in the longer run (properties of hemp).
Heh looking at it just now (to re-drip), it looks like Leia and Chewy twisted one up in the lower deck of the Millennium Falcon for some “LightJump and Chill” and had a little vapin’ LoveChild …I’ll call him LeiadBaccka
Plans for today include making a couple stovetop Claptons for my Pharaoh tank since the only downside with this Velocity mini is it’s sucking up juice and has limited capacity …even though the fatty chunk of hemp holds so much juice it about doubles what I can drip down in there, the coils are also vaporizing it twice as fast! CrAzY GooD
[quote=“BoDarc, post:17, topic:31403”]
I just grab the ball with my tweezers and shove it all the way in the bottom, then pull it back up a little and then tuck it back down[/quote]
Okay, I maybe shot for this, but IMHO cotton is the better one for flavor. I also will put praises on the Geek vape Tsunami. That has totally changed what I use on a daily basis. Flavor is immense. It reminds everyone of a Kennedy. I truly think a great RDA and changing the cotton for new flavors, dry burn coils, (kanthal and SS), will be your best option. It has worked for me. I also like anything with a velocity style deck for ease of build. Just my two cents on the matter.
Sleazy, peasy, keep it easy
316L SS Aliens .2ohm
No wicking used
DB160 45-50W Velocity v2
Drip, hit, burn dry, cool, repeat.
First time posting here, what i have found easiest is to just have an unflavoured mix of vg/pg and drip that inbetween flavours to remove the old taste from wicks/coils, works a treat in rtas as well about 1/4 of a tank full normally does the trick. As soon as you cant taste the old flavour move onto the next.
I do this too but straight vg
Hey there, @Ldotvapes, and welcome to the forum. Hope you’ll enjoy your stay as you absorb and share.
Hey there @Ldotvapes welcome aboard the fun bus why not pop over to the pub and say hello to everyone
they don’t bite…much…maybe the odd nibble
I read “maybe the odd nipple”. Certainly got me thinking there for a second or two
hey if that’s what it takes…
I mean there maybe the odd tit in there somewhere…
Maybe its best we stop here before we scare the tit of @Ldotvapes, poor thong, ups, thing! Those tablet keyboards.