Best recipes (your favorite)

I know it might be difficult to decide but if you could pick only 2 e-liquid recipes as your favourites what would they be.? Post links


1 def has to be my snickerdoodle cookies


Keep them coming i need to see everyone’s lol


2 maybe my michelin star custard or hobbs unicorn. It really depends though on what im in the mood for at the time. Right now my fav would be my apple jack milk recipe



My Favorite ADV,

My recent favorite,


Can we keep this going please. I’d love to see everyone’s favourite e-liquids ( I mean the people that have tried loads of different recipes). I know it’s subjective but I’m sure I’ll end up liking a couple of them


After so many years I still haven’t understood what I really like, apart from some SF, sometimes I love a recipe and after a few days I hate it. Perhaps some restless soul will be able to give you an answer but in my case this constant underlying restlessness has carried me forward, stimulating a curiosity that otherwise would have quickly fallen asleep in certainty. Cheers! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :clinking_glasses:


haha there’s about 140,000 recipes where do i start. I know there’s probably some really good ones hidden in there but we’ll never have the time to look through/test all of them. Wish it was kept to a limit of around 5,000 that’s still a lot in my opinion but at least people would get the chance to test and leave reviews on them and have all the experienced mixers filter out all the bad ones over time, If it gets a certain amount of bad reviews it should be deleted or something… It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack :joy:


I suggest you pick out a profile you enjoy. Most people that mix stick to a couple profiles. Follow them on the recipe side. It’s a way to get new recipes and better learning experience on how the flavors are used together. You will begin to see patterns in how recipes are put together and percentages.


well, I certainly deserve the ban but honestly I have never evaluated a recipe by giving one or more negative reviews as a discriminating factor. Tastes are too subjective and not even thousands of reviews would be a reliable sample. I understand your intent, more than right, and in a certain sense also noble, if I understand correctly, in looking for a list of the best but what I ask myself is this “the best for whom?”. I don’t want to be destructive at all, let’s be clear, but certainly in the depths of my anxiety this is the question that rings in my head.


New Here waiting for my order to come in to Try my first ever recipes after being disappointed by comercial juices gonna try 25ml of Candybeca/Carabeca/Goofy’s juice and a Great nobles pistachio ry4 clone (dont know if I like the last one but I hope I love at least one of those recipes)


Welcome to the forum!


Welcome to the forum @teodoris10 :wave:


Welcome to the forum @teodoris10 !


@teodoris10 Welcome to the community. Hope you enjoy your mixing journey. Experimenting (along with some “failures”) can be a blast. Remember to have FUN !!


Welcome. Let the hunt begin!


Well well, best recipes or favourite recipes, tough question for keen Diy’ers that always jump from flower to flower… :joy:
We all test different profiles, different views, new flavours that are better then other, for even different setups (POD, MTL, cloning disposables and so forth) I don’t think it’s even possible to have a recipes we always go back to, (the next one will be an even better one… ).

For quite a few of us it’s an endless search and study, I personally have found how to extract and taught how to extract NETs, but I don’t even like them that much even with rare and expensive baccos (loved that research though) it was just for the sake and deep study of it, learnt a lot in the process and helped a few people, that research was done mainly to help those people that wanted to quit and still wanted the cig feeling.

Still after that pursuit of helping people make the change, and after seen that lots of them used disposables I changed again to cloning Disposables and making recipes for PODs (Fruits are the main profile on those)
Then went back to my OG, bakeries and cookies btw @STR8V8PING yours look really good and I’ll do it,
Rocky’s Survival and SD’s Graham are a must as well… but to me it’s an impossible task, there are so many “good” recipes (even some of mine) and the next one will be my goto (for a while)

But if I can’t post what is my “goto” recipe, I’ll add something different to this 3d, POD recipes, the below are my wife’s favourite and viewed quite a bit, she uses a Wenax M1 POD and likes them.

Great thread btw!


My snickerdoodle cookies is the only one i never get bored of. Been my adv since 2011