Best regulated box mod

Hell, I got both of my DNA75 mods for under $100. You just gotta be patient and wait for those crazy flash sales. I love my VT75 for the feel in the hand, and my Lavabox M for it’s small form. It’s not much bigger than the VTC Mini it replaced, but SO much better with TC!

Hell, you can get the Lavabox M for under $50 right now on efun.

I’m looking for dual battery, Temp control, 150-200 ish watt I don’t want bottom battery door my Fuchai door keeps opening up and dropping the batteries I’m looking at spending any where from $80.00 to $ 125.00

For what you want and in your budget, I think the best options are either the VT167 or the Therion DNA166.

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Thank you appreciate your help!

Agree! I got an Alien, IPV5 and Therion 166 within months of each other beginning with the Alien. Only Therion survived and is the one I used daily. Im just one case but my experience so far is that DNA perform better and last longer. 6 months shelf life (Alien) is to short for me no matter the price.

Im looking the Triade 250 now. Any thoughts?

Read this and look at some other reviews to make up your mind. But you can’t go wrong with a Triade.


The Triad is a great device. It’s a bit big for my needs though. I like mods that fit nicely in my pocket.

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