Best Rta's on the market up to date plz

Thank you so much for the input guys

How are people likening the avocado 24 and the tsunami 24?

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Got my avacado 24 today
Have a stainless steel 316 clapton on it
.6 ohms running on segelie 213 in tc mode it is ok no dry hits single coil but the flavor is better on my griffin 25
May get a aromnizer or boreas next try them
But we all like different taste I donā€™t like my vape at 2000 degrees and popping in my mouth like some vapors do
I like mine on mild side flavor and thick

Got mine yesterday, so far so good. Flavour is great with dual claptons. Its all about the wicking. I thought I had cut the cotton too short as it just barely peeks through the juice holes. Turns out itā€™s perfect this way. Juicy flavor, no dry hits or any real issues. Got the odd pop, but claptons do that in any rda.


I am still having problems getting the Bellow v3 to work with titanium. I am at a dead end if I build over 26 GA in size my tank gets hot draws way to many amps and will not get up to set temperature I thought I was touching or shorting the tank but did not show on the ohms so I removed the tank from the base fired it seemed OK carefully put tank back on still same the build is 24 GA titanium 0.11 ohms 8 raps plenty of room . So pull the tank again fires great on second fire hits set temperature quickly so I wet the cotton real good tank off and will not get the coils up to 350 d f in a two second fire and atty is hot same settings install borase it hit set temp of 480 in about 1/2 second the Bellow works great with kanthal what am I missing


Where did you get your Ti wire?
Can you take a picture when itā€™s wicked?
What mod are you using?


Opus DNA 200 punch set at 100 watts lightning vape I just went back to there wire works great in the borase same build same mod with no problems .

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Iā€™d suggest rechecking your hex screw tightness and try a good snug wick. Iā€™ve had both of these issues throw off my tc. Also check your center pin to see if itā€™s making good contact.


O shoot I have put few builds on this tank with no luck I will recheck what you suggested but snapped two coils last night before I had to walk away from it now I might have my cotton to lose it will fire and reach 480 D F no problem dry for testing only I wick it wet it no tank and it will not hit 340 D F until the cotton is pretty dry then it will hit 480

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And not chang any settings pop the borase on it and hits so hard have to turn the mod down same build

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Where did you get the Ti CSV from (or does your DNA come pre-loaded with it)?

LostVape has their own CSV for Titanium T1 - not sure where i got it from but itā€™s what I use and it works great.

As for the posts cutting wires, my only suggestion is to try and snug the wires, fire, snug fire snug and do that until they are tight but not so tight the will cut the wires. I finally got ā€œthe feelā€ for this with my tanks guilty of this crime against humanity. In fact Iā€™m going to keep buying Boreas tanks (which donā€™t do that) or whatever else thatā€™s awesome until thatā€™s all I have including backups. To me that shoddy machine work should not be rewarded by second purchases. And I can tell you firsthand, those cut wires will cause TC issues and theyā€™re not always so obvious that theyā€™re cut.


O I am so ready to reach out and touch who ever built the Bellow v3 I just tock the build that was not working coils out pop them in the Borase no problem I mean just slapped them in there half a wicked them and vape on perfect I use the file from evolv it gives me the best flat line on temperature so far .I even tock the 510 pin out to check as best as I can the only thing I noticed I thought Bellow v3 used a two peace center pin this one is one I am going to try and return it as DOA build quality seems to be there there is something I can not find out of wack itā€™s drawing way to much power and doing nothing but getting hot real hot


Have you checked for resistance with no coils installed?


No I have not but I will


I always MTL but just recently felt like going into sub-ohming. Got myself a Wismec - Theorem. My O MY, I kid you not, it is the king if all RTAs, literally blew me away with flavors. My mates say that the avocado 22 and 24 is just as good, but the theorem is 100% leak free.

On a sidenote, anyone thinking about getting into sub-ohming, it is amazing once you know how to lung hit(at least took me a while to get used to). But no one told me I had to cut down in nicotine to do that, and ended up with really bad headache for two days when I realized it. :stuck_out_tongue: all fine now.


Thanks for the good suggestion. but it is open when I remove the coils . So out with the Bellow v3 it got put away Goliath v2 back on line behind the Borase


Bellow v3 woking had to bring the heat up slowly starting at 330 and working my way up still do not understand but itā€™s working good now did up 100 mils thanks I am enjoying it


@lost_in_vape maybe a grub screw was loose on one coilā€¦ usually after I dry fire and wick I check them one last time and almost always get another 1/16th to 1/8th turn

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No donā€™t think so I did about 10 builds on the deck before I got it to work got to break in the coils slowly


Eden Mods Rose V3.
Flat build deck, super simple to build on and easy to wick.
Tons of flavour too