Yup. Easy to clean off two or three times and cheep to rebuild. I’m sure that a simple clapton would do good, but every time I try dry fire and clean it doesn’t come clean enough and the vape is off…off enough to tell.
Ok, Per your raving about the twisted, I spun up some 2x28+36 twisted clapton and put it in an identical atty, well almost; one is stainless the other is black. I have no idea of what pitch I ended up with. Just twisted it until it wanted to start doubling over. Got about a tenth of an ohm more resistance and quite frankly, identical flavor to the parallel. So, Bravo! The twisted is easier to spin up too.
Thanks! I have to admit I cheat. I picked up one of those Avid Atrisan wire spinner whosits a while back and it makes it really easy. Fire the crazy thing up and go grab a cup of coffee.
Nice I think I want one now lol
I don’t make my own, but rather buy the spools. For the longest time I was simply using 28/32 SS Clapton as just my regular plain Jane, and I asked Stuart at Advanced Vape Supply what I should try out of their newest wire spools because every wire he suggests for my wattage range has been perfect vs. buying wire that I have chosen myself. After he suggested the triple core twisted, I haven’t looked back. Longer battery life as well over the regular Clapton.
About the craziest I get now is making some twisted wire, usually out of some 28 gauge kanthal or 316L SS. Most of the time my go-to build is just a couple of simple 26 gauge 316L SS spaced coils-If I don’t get some decent flavor from an atomizer with that build, then it’s not an atomizer I want. I shouldn’t have to resort to crazily exotic wire types to get some tongue-slapping flavor, dammit!
i build for somewhere in the middle… flavor and clouds at the same time…
my eliquids are alwasy 70/30 vg/pg or higher (vg)
my builds are kinda like:
26ga+30ga clapton: SS316L at 0.3 2.5mm ID dual coil
26ga+34ga Clapton KA1 at 0.6 2.5mm ID dual coil
22Ga KA1 .at .4 3mm ID dual coil
24 Ga KA1 AT 0.5 2,5mm ID dual coil
when it comes to single coil i usually use Fused Claptons 262+24 or 242+32 KA1 at the max wraps my deck can fit… in this case i avoid SS because it makes really low resistances… (it’s almost the half than KA1)
though in all cases i can’t go really low on watts… even the 22ga KA1 is so thick that i need almost the same watts as claptons… i find myself usually vaping like at 70-110 depending on wires and build…
Unless I missed it, let me ask - are you trying to get that staggered/fused clapton build (pic from original post) to work with 65 watts?
Honestly I used builds like that all the time and they kick the flavor. But generally I’m well over 100 watts…maybe 120. Wondering if you’ve tried that and still find diminished flavor.
I was on the fence as to whether or not fancy coils were better than low gauge round wire builds. That is until I tried high gauge fused claptons. 28x2/38 and 30x3/40 are the sweet spot for me. They provide the necessary surface area for maximum vapor production without requiring large power to get a quick ramp up. They also ramp down quicker which helps to keep them from gunking up.
I’m w/u on this 1. I’ve tried many different builds and my favorite are 28*2/40. I’ve never gotten anything worth a damn when I bought prebuilt coils. But ss in a small gauge fused clapton is my favorite. I do also like a triple cored clapton/alien, but those require far more power to operate, so I stick to the small fused claptons. Less clouds, but flavor is right up there, and that’s what I’m after
Thx man honestly it’s at 90 watts otherwise it’s a really hot vape will experiment at higher to check though!
Does your device have Pre-Heat? That makes all the difference for me. Otherwise the coil ramps up too slow at low wattage or gets too hot with high wattage.
I love the preheat option!!
Good question @louiesquared I usually run it on my old xcube2 I don’t think it does! Good Idea I’ll have to check! I know you can go from soft-hard kinda a cheap preset wattage curve but I’ll have to dig out the manual lol! Thx
Yeah, I use the Hard setting when I vape with my Alien. It’s not as good as a fully customizable pre-heat but it definitely helps.
This is good I’ll give that a shot thx @louiesquared
Was going to check manual to see if it has a preheat lol not how to change soft to hard re reading my earlier post it almost sounded like I needed to look it up for that lol just wanted to clarify so people weren’t like wuhhht! Lol
am late chiming, its fun to play w/ wattages, u can do that…w/mechs it makes it even more fun, shit i never tasted gets better when watts go down…