All of a sudden this morning my 3 year old just came out and said that she has been talking to someone in her bedroom called Sam weird I know I just think it’s typical 3 year old behaviour. My wife is very superstitious I don’t believe in that Rubbish. Anyway she just had a bath and wanted me to sit with her so I did and along came my ecig and just saw something on Apple news about an ad being banned in the cinema and it was the Lord’s Prayer banned because of Muslims or something so I watched it to see why it’s banned while chugging on my ecig and as soon as it had finished my smoke alarms went off can someone please tell me this was my ecig as my wife is freaking out now haha thanks guys
Bering in mind I have been sub ohm vaping for about 4 months now and never set the alarms off
I have never set any alarms off myself but I believe this to be normal. I want to say it was @daath that said he accidentally set one off in a hotel room or something?
Maybe the government is spying on you and she uncovered their cameras and bugs. Good ole uncle Sam
Yeah I’ve seen a few on here that said they set one off. I never have. My question is, how does vaper set off a fire alarm ?
Vape some sage. It’s supposed to cleanse spirits or something.
I would think it’s because of the density of the vapor.
Smoke alarms have a small amount of radioactive material between two electrically charged plates, which ionizes the air and causes current to flow between the plates. When smoke/vapor enters the chamber, it disrupts the flow of ions, thus reducing the flow of current and activating the alarm
That’s my guess? Vapor also “turns on” my cell phone! I have a sensor on my phone, so when I wave my hand over it, it turns on or “wakes up”. So if I’m vaping by my phone it constantly turns on making me think I’m about to get a message or call…gets annoying actually
Guessing it all has to do with density
Hmmm ok. I will go with that one.
…or your house is haunted and you’re screwed…
Look into the history of tenants for your house, who knows maybe a Sam lived there 100 years ago! That would be enough to really get the gears turnin’
That is possible, kids do see things we choose not to. Or so they say :0)
Insidious 4 - The Vape Awakens
It’s normal - Vapor will set off smoke alarms
Ok. This is very, very strange. You posted this 3 hours ago. 3 hours ago my smoke alarms went off throughout the whole apartment for no apparent reason. Do you live in Indiana?
Salt all around your doors and windows and remember they don’t like iron. Then, you just have to find the bones and salt and burn them Supernatural-style.
You could be on to something there! I mean she was talking to a Sam right? Like Sam and Dean?? Hmmm plot thickens…
Quick, quick, blend with saline and change your coils back to kanthal…lol
ROFL!! I didn’t even think about that. Brilliant…then you could just blow vapor everywhere.
Some funny replies here. I don’t believe in ghosts, specters, or any of that paranormal stuff. I have my own spiritual reason for it and won’t go there.
But as for the alarms. Whenever I choose a bath over a shower i always vape in the tub. I notice with the increased humidity after running a bath that my vape is thicker and hangs in the air longer. The is even more true whenever the humidity outside is high. So perhaps the humidity in the bathroom caused the vapor volume to be increased rather than dissipating.