Blood Soaked, Cage Match -- .01g vs. .001g Scales!

I think one of the issues is that every little thing… just has to be a big deal.
From solos, to yes, @TorturedZen coffee and skillets… it’s really magnified, but only so much as the size of the forum is on a range every day… people come and go… Are they skeered to keep posting? Or just here for the views? Does one feel there isn’t anything to contribute with out whip lash of what is said?

Not everything has to be a knock out drag along argument, even when some clearly disagree. We all have our ways and our equipment we love. We have others that really can not make sense of what it is we do, or even how big or small we work on things like liquids, or the chemical reactions behind what makes damn good juice…

Use what you have, upgrade if you feel you want to try… At the worst, the item goes mostly unused, sell it off and call it an experience. Mix with what you feel is your best, but if you like an idea, at least try before knocking the hell out of who ever suggests something. It might just make one a believer. :slight_smile:


Wow dude, don’t be getting meloncollie on me here. There’s just a lot of shit out there today. It’s impossible to stay on top of all of it. Because of the rapid expansion of “things” available folks are becoming more focused on a few. Call it “specialization”. A chunk of or segment of information you can follow on a specific interest. Be happy if you have a macro understanding of things in a “generalist” fashion. This is also a forum. I’ve seen countless examples of “know it all” assertions when in reality it’s only “all I know” that’s being expressed. For example, I also read the coffee pot thing. It’s really neat to see what some folks have found, but, in all honesty I’m not all that interested. The Black and Decker on the counter groans and moans for about ten minutes and I have mud to drink and I’m happy. Guaranteed, everything in my life is not the latest wizz bang whosit available. You’re fine. I’ve read a shit ton of wisdom in your replies. You don’t need to know how many microns the particles in your coffee is reduced to, to impress me. In fact, if you did, I would wonder why.


My husband says that’s why people are so unhappy today. You catch a 50lb catfish and think you’re the greatest fisherman on earth then you go on (as he calls this) the stupid box and see someone who caught a 100lb one. I like my crappy Kuerig (it makes me happy), I like my LB scale, it does what I want it to. I will literally smack someone who dares to put my cast iron seasoned skillet in a dishwasher (my grandma gave me my original one and it’s filled with her love)


My favorite. It lives on the stove top.


Ogre so does mine! Every time I use it I have memories of her making red eyed gravy in it and big old cat head buttermilk biscuits… beautiful memory


@TorturedZen not out of touch at all brother, learning !!!
Yeah, yeah, there’s all kinds of mixing/DIY sites/forums, but listen to what you just said. Coffee makers, cast-iron skillets, AND 501’s !!!

This is a GREAT place to be TZ, and you’re RIGHT in the middle of it brother.


LOL, I know what THAT means @SmilingOgre.



Oooorah !!!


Ok, ok, … @TorturedZen, you gotta fess up. When you INITIALLY saw the title, what did you think ?

Blood Soaked, Cage Match – .01g vs. .001g Scales!

I mean, what were your initial thoughts like, “Ohhh hell no, I ain’t getting involved in THAT”, or was it more like, “Wait a minute, what. … F it, I’m going in” ??


I just saw it as an opportunity to be a passive aggressive asshole without drawing too much attention to my self.


Outstanding @anon84779643, and that is why I made sure ALL of my posts on @anon28032772 thread were purged, BECAUSE, it wasn’t the thread FOR them. I didn’t want them hovering over there, clogging up his thread, and then, … I started THIS ONE !!!

LOL, probably makes sense, before it doesn’t make sense, I know … You are right though. TZ can come and mix on my scale when his blows up !!!


Just leaving this here…

those prices are coming way down from 2 yrs ago…

and for those that do love the .01g


I’ll admit I was intrigued by “Blood Soaked”. I had decided not to do the poll until I read through the thread more. It wasn’t until I got to @woftam’s reply you know, with the equipment that looked like it was from a laboratory that I began to realize how much I didn’t know.
I’ve since thrown my LB-501 in the garbage!


Wasn’t my intention, but I appreciate what you’re saying. I still remain impressed by your spectrum analyzer(?) methodology you shared a while back!

Oh I like mine also. I was kind of exaggerating. :slightly_smiling_face:


Same here, two scales side by side, SFTs and small batches 0,001 (don’t shake the table… :rofl:) bigger batches 0,01 scale… that’s so bloody slow…










So true

No, I have nothing to say about scales, sorry - I don’t use one - yet?

I get so confused/torn when I read what others are doing using etc… when that happens I know that it’s time to get outside in the garden :rofl:


Welp…:thinking: we can also add gardening to the list of niche hobbies and pleasures! Some folks have a green thumb and some don’t… :sweat_smile:

But, I get your point… in “spades”! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: …see what I did there!


Word to the wise… sometimes old school is better… more can be less… and if you’re making greatness in whatever you do… why should you care what someone else does? It’s interesting to see all the things out there but you can do the same incredible stuff without all the high tech stuff.


I used to feel that way, but realized that asking for further information to expand your knowledge and fill an existing gap doesn’t mean you’re ignorant or that people think you are. So in the end, you learn something and that’s cool. The only thing I was an expert at from birth was pooping in my britches and drooling uncontrollably. Man I’m glad I stopped drooling uncontrollably.


Thank you!
And might I suggest…Depends