He seems to have a never ending supply of money. Getting campaign mailing daily. One in my name one in my wife’s name. Good thing the trash can is on the way to the door.
Don’t see the attraction of this man’s politics.
This is coming from a person who seen 4 out of 6 last mayor’s go to prison.
The problem with bloomberg and the Trump haters is that they think he won because he is rich. That’s how ignorant they are. He won because he isn’t a politician.
The American people are sick of the selfish corruption of politicians.
I really don’t know my friend.
The last one was mean spirited. Wow, what a joke. If you go on line and read the comments of the people that are supporters of hers, you will find mean spirited people by the truck load. When will they wake up and realize that we aren’t as stupid as they seem to think. I for one am sick of it.
@Dan_the_Man, Since I don’t watch TV I don’t follow the news at all.
This isn’t a facetious question, I mean it honestly
Can you tell me what he’s done for the country? Again, I don’t know. I head something about tax breaks. I heard he was treating the refugees pretty roughly.
Just things I’ve heard. I haven’t heard anything else.
Just Google-Fu if you don’t watch the boob tube. There’s a lot of words on that interweb thing.
@anon70102222, I see more negativity there also. The press beats him up so bad I can’t tell right from wrong. It’s why I asked. At least I have a reference point. I also pray He wins the Republican nomination.
Here, saved you some trouble. Here’s Google-Fu’s first two results.
And here’s some info straight from the top. This link isn’t a news site or a blog; it’s whitehouse.gov. The official website of the USA, I suppose. This is just a link, not any bias from me. Draw your own conclusions, do your own research.