Blueberry Recipes, Tips, Tricks, Etc

@mikelej14 I have one for ya. Been mixing commercial juices in my Griffin and I topped off a Key Lime pie with a blueberry poptart. The lime totally popped the blueberry adding like a blueberry peel taste and moved it up front from the center. I’m looking forward to giving this a test when I get my sh*t together. It has to be subtle so it’s not blueberry-lime so like .5% …maybe Lime Tahity (Cold Pressed) (FA) or maybe Cactus Lime (INW)


I have Lime Tahity (Cold Pressed), but only regular cactus, not cactus lime.
Might take a bit but that does sound like a fun interesting challenge to do for a flavor :slight_smile: i’m game. Ill start doing some research on it and try to come up with so something once my biscuit and some other pastry flavors come in (probably around friday)

The Tahity should do that Key Lime thing which is not lime juice as much as lime zest (peel). I was looking for a solution to my mediocre blueberry flavor problem …I think this is it


i have a recipe for a blueberry pastry and cream mix i can rework with the biscuit and maybe a hint of sugar cookie? Instead of the cinnamon danish thats in it, bet i could turn it into a nice poptart taste and then work they key lime side after that and combine the two. Do you know about the ratio blueberry poptart to key lime note?

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Blueberry can be weak and lime can be overpowering like 5% BB and 0.5% Tahity Lime

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I use Flavorah Blueberry, just so you know incase you didnt.

Yeah I’m talking Blueberry Wild TPA. I would just try the BB FLV and Lime so you can see if the magic happens

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I havent had any complaints with flavorahs blueberry thusfar im sure itll come out well. :slight_smile: i dont have any other brands of bb tho so itll have to work :wink:

I’m gonna have to try this. I have bb wild and I just can’t taste it in anything!

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You also can use Citric or Malic Acid to boost BB ( or most fruit ) if you don’t have lime. I use Sour often which is Malic.

Some of my favorite fruit boosters… (Subjective)

Sour Wizard FA @ .5%
Pyure @ .3-.5%
Anise FA @ .5-1.5%
Cactus INW @ .5-1.2%
Cucumber TPA @ 1-2%


The “magic” was the lime peel of the key lime (unknown) became the peel of the blueberry in a weird way. The Lime juice flavor was slightly too much because it was an accidental pairing. A personal mixing goal was finding a way to get BB out of the middle of the mix and have it be the first solid flavor and that was the magic. With this combo the BB became more pronounced and in a very realistic way. I am unsure that Malic Acid or Sour would do the same thing as it was more of that floral taste in Lime zest (not juice) and more of a bitter taste of the peel (Key Lime). I would think this could work for Grape flavors similarly

That’s also why I’m sharing as I have read many times about the sour add (of even Pyure’s vinegar/citric). I’ll be trying just the two alone for testing. Checking my Wishlist I have FLV BB on there and a couple Limes …I also have the Sour and Sweet&Tart in the funnel

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TPA Blueberry wild is wild. I love it.


BB never pops for ne I’ll def have to try this. And on a side note i’ve found that fw yc makes banana pop too.

It’s has fructose in it. Tastes good but not good for you.

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I miss Yellow Cake :frowning:


Ya i know and good looking out. Yet honestly idk about the “baddies”. It’s all blown way outa proportion plus it’ll never be as bad as smoking.


Well, @BoDarc, dont know if it will actually taste like poptarts yet, but i decided to start from scratch and take a shot in the dark here. Just finished mixing it up, 30ml because whether its poptarts or not im sure it will be yummy lol. so ill keep you posted on how it came out and any changes i make to it. Havent messed with the lime yet, just want to get the poptart down first…

Not sure why (Cap) doesnt show up after butter cream, but it is there in my stash. Odd. Anyway yea its cap fyi


2 additions to my ADV Blueberry that make it work for me are:
Bilberry FA 3%
Hibiscus CAP 2%

Currently using Blueberry FW 12%
Bilberry FA 3%
Vanilla Bean Ice Cream CAP 3%
Hibiscus CAP 2%
Violet FA 1%

This is a strong flavor and could be adjusted down. Works for me.

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Many thanks for the share …vaping BB Yogurt right now

Violet 1% …brilliant