Does anyone have a good bomb pop recipe? I’m thinking about ordering FW boom and FW hard candy. What else would I mix to get the bomb pop flavors?
It’s blue raspberry, cherry and lime. I tried making one last month…two versions and both "bombed " cause I do not have a decent cherry or blue raspberry that mimics the real thing. Ecig express has a recipe on their site if you care to dig for it
Here are some recipes. This could be a good starting point.
Thanks @robin and @R113. I hope I can make something tatsty. I always seem to be on a latest greatest tasting juice hunt. I used to vape two different ejuice recipes and now I need a different one weekly and sometimes daily
Boom is decent by itself for the first week or so, then the cherry starts to make it taste kind of medicinal. I started playing with it but honestly just got bored really quick with the flavor profile, but I’m more into custards and bakeries
I’ve made a bomb pop several times just using RF Red, White & Blue Popsicle.