Brand Abbreviation List (in progress)

Great work :+1:
Not sure if its been mentioned as its a long thread and can’t see it in the OP but aristo-cat is rebranded CCW.


Wouldn’t surprise me… There’s several that I have suspicions on with using cupcake world.

Do you have a link or supporting sources that would help us out by chance?

I dunno… Could “we”? :laughing:
coughSubmit a Dupecough :wink:


How the heck do I do that?

Added: Okay I figured out how to do that, but unfortunately since the name is spelled incorrectly I can’t say it’s a duplicate because it doesn’t pull up the correct name :slight_smile:


Advocaat is a Dutch eggnog and spelled that way, not a typo. ATF has both names up. I tried to find out to see how it’s sold to verify but couldn’t find it anywhere. It should probably become a double name if it’s sold like this like the INW and FA concentrates.


If I translate to English is says eggnog but before Sasami was folded into Mainzer it was definitely advocaat (as it was on nomnomz) but the nomnomz labels have a typo saying it is advocatt


It’s an ecigshop exclusive and they’re 20 minutes away from me and i know the guy’s in there well.

I’d better edit that just in case it’s not exclusive.
I’ve never found aristocat anywhere else and cos i spent so much time in the shop they told me.


Michelle you can enter partial names in the search field and the dB will return all iterations of that. Example: “Advo”, “catt”, “Adv cat” etc.
In this case the incorrect name unfortunately is the one with the most recipes. Advocatt list


That is so going to screw my brain up Simon LOL … yeah on the nomnom site (which is down at the moment) I copied the link somewhere in the forum and it had the Advocatt name I can switch my version to the other advocaat


Is there an abbreviation for fuck the rules by trevvapor ?


:laughing: One I recall seeing, but don’t recall needing an abbreviation (back when).

If memory serves though, the FTR was more of his line name (and I don’t recall seeing any other lines from Trev at that time… Either that or there were no redundant namings between separate lines to warrant distinction at the time. It’s been a while.)

As for now though, it’s something that’ll need to be looked into further. :slight_smile:


Added a couple more to post 1…

One of which is Mr Good Vape (MGV).
Note about them: It seems that they only sell finished eliquids on their site (as best I can tell ATM, as I’m currently locked out by their geo-location scripting BS). It seems that they also sell through Liquid Barn. I am aware the ones at LB are concentrates…as they do make it pretty clear lol…

but I’m leaving BOTH sets of entries until I can find out for sure about what’s available DIRECT from MGV’s site.

If they are ONLY finished eliquids though, one set of entries WILL be merged (either into MGV -if it’s found out that other suppliers ALSO sell the concentrates, OR into the LB listings IF it’s found out that ONLY LB can sell them)

If anyone can drop some knowledge (preferably that’s confirmable) about the state of what’s available either direct or third party from MGV, I’d appreciate it! :wink:

Hopefully this is clear…I’ve been at it (the database) for HOURS once again.

OH! and BTW… LNW is completely clean from the ground up!! (Including adding some new flavors that were on their site, but not yet in the database!)

Final note:
Please do NOT use lnw as an abbreviation for LNW
As you can tell, in lower case, it looks like INW which is actually an I, as in IGNORAMUS!
With INW: short for Inawera, having been used by SOME in the past…it makes sorting out which is which (when NOT searching/sorting by brand name) fucking impossible to tell what you’re looking at.
(Yet another reason that ALL LNW entries are now capitalized…)

Thanks again for reading!


I’m sending you a gift certificate for a mini-pedi and a Deep Tissue Swedish massage! (House of Helga) :joy:

You’re tireless efforts do not go unappreciated by some! :kissing_heart:


Thanks Jim!
With the abuse I’ve seen tonight, combined with someone’s ‘bad timing’ in another thread, I’m ready to spit nails at the moment.


Quick Question, is there separate entries for Medicine Flower Premium, Silver, and Gold lines. The premium line is not pg free although I think someone had noted one of my flavors as pg free, will check further when I get home .


I’m kind of ‘broken’ at the moment… And I don’t remember (in as far as a ‘complete answer’).

But I know for certain I ran across one MF listing tonight (by chance) that had the two new lines. (Omitting the third by default since last I knew, the third line wouldn’t be considered safe for vaping)


Ok, rechecked, I see now that there is “premium” entries, e.g. White Peach (Premium) (MF) , I’m gonna change all mine in stash to Premium, didn’t see any premium line listed at the time I added to stash, then saw a @Plunderdrum recipe listed as all VG with “White Peach (MF). Didn’t want the two confused if that makes sense.


Yeah understandably, now I see two different entries, “White Peach (Premium) (MF)” and “ Peach, White (Premium) (MF) , IDK, I entered mine the first way…


This is s hairy mess were about to step into! Until recently, we all thought MF original flavors were PG-free because they weren’t listing it on bottles or on their site where they wrote about the ingredients. Then, we found out that they had PG in them all along, but it’s a special PG derived from VG, if I have that correct. It is vegetable-derived at the least, not petroleum. But also not corn! Phew!

So, I haven’t gone back to all of my PG-free recipes or posts about it and updated with the new insight, mainly because I don’t really know what to write about it.

I do know that if you want truly PG-free MF flavors, you’ll want to try their new Silver line. The Premium line has that special PG in it.


If you have the original flavor, it should be listed as White Peach (MF). …Premium will have the word Premium on the bottle. They discontinued the original line and replaced it with 3 new lines, but we input the original flavors like we always have.


Nah, I have no prob with PG, just wanted to make sure it’s entered correctly in my flavor stash now that there’s different MF “lines”