Hey team. Got in all my build supplies, new mod, and so on in.
One new addition to my vape bag is an aromamizer supreme rdta 25mm. And it is the one causing me the most issues.
I did a fair number of builds on it all day. Guessing that since I was new to building it was just that I was new to building. However, I’m not getting the levels of flavor I get with my crown tank.
I built both vertical and horizontal. All dual coils. 28 gauge ss316L Ohms out at around 0.5. The vapor product was high, but the flavor was just meh. In the tank now is a dual coil Kanthol Clapton. Ohms at 0.4, vertical build. Same thing. Flavor is just meh.
I have gone with low watts and high watts. Just meh on flavor, or uggg way to hot.
So a couple dumb questions. Does the organic cotton need to break in? Let’s say after 4mls (which on this tank is no time at all).
Has anybody experienced this? And if so what did you change? There is gotta be something simple.
And yes. I build my coils on a coil master, I do take a lot of time making sure my coils burn evenly and from the center. Yes, I believe I am wicking properly…no dry hits or gurgles/flooding. (I did have one bad wick job). I also make sure I don’t have too much wick at the top of my vertical build.
As for the mods I’ve tried it on my Ipv d2 75w tc mod, and my new segiele 213 mod. Fresh batteries as well.
Did you give the brand new (dissasembled) parts a wash in the Ultrasonic? Try different airflow?
Yup. Full wash. Dish soap, soak, hot tap water rinse. Then rinse with distilled water.
I would try playing with the airflow. For example, (on my Griffin 25) I have found that having the bottom airflow only half open and the top air flow fully open gives the best flavor. Fully open and it gives great vapor production but lighter in the flavor department.
I think part of the issue was my juice recipie. Lol.
But it’s still not as good as my stock crown coils. Maybe it’s the cotton or something.
My opinion is the 28ga wire is the culprit. For my tastes, these dual coil, velocity style RTAs are prime for a thicker gauge wire. It improves both flavor and vapor production. To date the best flavor and vapor on a simple dual coil setup for me has been dual 22ga Titanium, 3mm inner diameter and spaced, 7.5 wraps. For those decks that it won’t fit in such as the TF-R2, I’ll use 2.5mm ID. As for stainless, I’ve yet to get that “wow” factor I get from Ti. But I’ve had very, very good, just not with 28ga wire. That I do use, but it’s reserved solely for the Goblin Mini where real estate on the build deck is at a premium. Give a thicker wire a try. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
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Hmmm. Flyover is betting while drinking is for sure better.
Lol. Sure. Looks like a run to the vape shop for a new gauge in wire.