Building a Staggered Fused Clapton

If any of y’all watch this whole video I would be interested in knowing if it is helpful. Could you build a Staggered Fused Clapton after watching this tutorial?

Time Stamps

Intro :38 Tools 1:35 Length of wire 2:35 Straightening the Wire 2:52 Loading the wire 4:24 Prepping Spacer 5:45 Starting 6:20 Setting up Spacer Tool 6:44 What it looks like on the drill 10:14 How to F#ck up 10:54 Wrapping w/music 11:29 Prepping both wire 12:44 Fusing 12:17 W/Music 12:51 Close up Finished Wire 16:50 Getting Two Coils 17:20 Wrapping free-hand 20:07 Wrapping with Vice 21:30 Install 23:17 W/ Music 24:55 and so on… and on…


Nice detailed vid, thanks for taking the time to do this :+1:
Which drill do you use?

If I had all the right tools, but I’m tempted to get some from now


They have some really smart stuff. I want a few things from there no doubt. Like the tool that hooks up to your drill to make it hands off and pretty much every thing they have.

The drill is a cheapo from some hardware store. The Brand name of it is “Porter Cable” 20v Lithium battery

Thank you, for realls.


I want that foot pedal thing that they make so I can use my left hand for other they have other things that are cool.looks like you wast a lot of wire in the beginning, I use kbee wire and that adds up.I just do the “loop method” that Devin 83 uses with a top cap from an rda.I post on Instagram and sale my coils local.I’ve seen people cut pop cans in the shape of that lil tool you have.anyways nice vid wish I had seen a vid like this when I first started off bro it would have helped me out a lot in this journey of becoming a master coil maker word of advice the only thing I’d recommend is for you to get an over head’s easier for people to see your wire and what you’re doing.when the camera is facing you people are focusing on a lot of things like the drill, hands and your face…even the background.but other then that those small thing I think it’s very informative and I thank you for making a video for new coil makers.they need as much help as they can get.


Good stuff @Dan_the_Man.


I want that too and your right, they have a lot of cool stuff.

I used to do that one too. I have tried the button technique but could never get it right. Personally I thought the loop method the better way. The only thing I didn’t like is that I always forgot how to set the wire up. He does two loops right?

I wasted a lot of wire on this video for sure. I couldn’t get it as perfect as I wanted and finally said “screw it”.

That would be nice. Oh did I try to rig something up but alas… I finally settled for what you see.

So, I’m not the only one eh? :cowboy_hat_face:

LOL, I know right? I watched twisted messes and squid doode and even ohmboy oc

Remember when, if you wanted to build a staggered fused clapton you had to remove wire? I was totally unwilling to waste THAT much wire.

what’s your instagram handle? here is a link to mine.

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Thanks bro. I left the cat part just for you. I think… :grin:


Oooo I know that technique with the dual spools is nuts😂 “I’m a huge YouTube star and can wast wire” it makes me want to push them in the face😂 and yes Nick does the double loop method if I’m making a coil for myself I use one but if it’s for a client then it’s 2 loops.

