Bull City Flavors moving to BIGGER warehouse!

You’ll get used to this! :wink: chuckles
It’s almost an unwritten “vaping law” when it comes time to order… lol

It will never happen here though, as the entire reason Bull City Vapor renamed the company to Bull City Flavors was to add an extra layer of insulation from the bureaucracy…

Think of it not as an inconvenience, but rather insurance that they’ll be more likely to be able to continue to do business if the “shit hits the fan”.

Who knows, they may be able to ‘recant’ (revert) once our gov. gets it’s shit together… :roll_eyes:
(One can hope) :crazy_face:


Yeah, I figured nic was not gonna happen… bureaucratic nonsense… But geez, more sizes PG and VG would be great. We only have to get nic about 2x a year… but seems like I run out of VG every other month. :wink: ALWAYS underestimate how much I’ll use, especially now that I’m DIY’ing about 95% of our juice for the 3 vapers in our house.

And Thank You! I was sure it used to be BCV… the new BCF threw me. lol


Yep…in NC…

"An excise tax is levied on vapor products at the rate of five cents ($.05) per fluid
milliliter of consumable product. "

That includes nic.


Woow, Yeah, If my bread and butter were flavors, I’d stay away from the controlled / taxed end, too. You know its funny, as die hard vapers we all bitch a lot about how hard it is on us…but I know by the sheer number of online vape shops that have gone belly up lately that the vendors are really being raked over the coals, lately. Daggum Gub’ment! lol


What amazes me is people that quibble over the price of a concentrate that will last them a year and yet doesn’t cost half the price of a pack of smokes that lasts them a single day. Hell a liter of 250mg salts only cost as much 25 pks of cigs!


lmao, I’m one of the quibblers… and I know darn well how irrational it is. :wink: I quit smoking and started vaping about 9 years ago, so I can’t really justify the cost weighed against what I used to pay for the ciggies, anymore. I still vape because I flat out love it, but its definitely a permanent choice, now… not a smoking cessation tool. So there’s that… we’re on a low budget, and I beat myself up a bit about how costly my habit is. But that in no way means I think I’m being charged too much by my vendors.

Like you said, they are incredibly fairly priced, esp for us vapers in the US. As an obvious example, a flavor I’m just trying out, or buying to mix and try a few recipes… say a 10 ml of Inawera, maybe $2.25 ish on a good sale… Biscuit comes to mind, because i use it in itty quanties in a number of mixes. I’m maybe down 2 ml of the original 10 ml size, and I’ve gotten at least 5 count of 240 ml juice mixes for those measly 2 ml. Bottom line, so far I’ve vaped about .45 cents worth of Biscuit INAWERA, and I’ve used it to make over 1000 ml of delicious Frosted Flakes juice (obviously other flavors in there, too)… and at least another 5 ct of 10 ml tasters of other recipes.

Bloody ridiculous how economical it is when you break it down. lol Every concentrate is SO reasonable, but still, when I grab 1/3 of what i really really want and my cart is over $100 (through noones fault but my own inability to restrain myself), then I start bitching about how expensive it is to vape.

Irrational? oh hell yeah. But that’s how i roll. lmao


Spend over $75 @ Nicotine River and you get free shipping.
You can order 7.5 gallons for less than $100 delivered.
I love BullCity but 7gallons from them would be $175. . and I live in North Carolina. Really it can’t cost BullCity that much more…


Free shipping at BCF at 50.00, code freeshipping


And actually NR has free shipping on orders over $50…


I’m fortunate that I don’t have to pay shipping at all. I just go get it. I can place an order first thing in the morning and it will be ready for me that afternoon. They are fast. They are also very friendly. The new place is big. All those shelves full of flavors is enough to make any DIY’er drool uncontrollably.