Burnt Taste in My Coils

I’ve been building coils for about 2 weeks now. I’m using a dual coil setup in a Billow V2. Coils are 28g Kanthal. I must be doing something wrong because after a few hours of vaping I start to get the burnt taste I would normally get after a couple weeks vaping on premade coils. I’m making sure they stay saturated. The coils I’ve been building range from .5 to .9 and I vape @ 15 watts…sometimes I go up to 25 but it’s rare.

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How are you wicking the billow?

There is a knack to it.

We all seem to use different techniques.

Could you describe your technique.

A burnt taste in the billow is usually down to a wicking issue and not a coil issue


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You may also find this thread useful where a few of use go over our wicking techniques with the billow v2.



You’ve probably hit the nail on the head. I’m still getting the hang of wicking so it’s been pretty inconsistent. I use japanese cotton bought from Eciggity. It’s hard to explain, but I try to tuck the ends up and just at the top of the juice channels. Thanks for the link. I’m gonna check it out now.

I love this tank though. When I don’t get the burnt taste it’s very smooth and hits like a champ. Certainly a step up from the kanger subtank I have … In my opinion anyway.


Also I’m still trying to figure out how to get the coils directly above the holes in the deck. They seem to end up a little crooked so some of the coil isn’t above the hole.

Wow… yeah there are lots of good tips for wicking in that thread. Quite a few things I’m gonna try. Thanks man.


Are you still using your little blue screwdriver to wrap coils on?

If so this is what you do.

Thread negative and positive legs into the deck.
Tighten down the screws.

Re insert your screwdriver and push the coils where you want them to be.

28g can be a little springy too so you could try torching it before wrapping the wire.

But yeah that thread goes into too much cotton, not enough cotton, butterfly cuts, angled cuts, wick in the juice channel, not enough wick in the lip etc so there’s a good amount to try to rectify your problem.

Once you find what works for you it’s pretty straight forward.



I just rewicked my Billow v2 tonight and planned on doing a pic tutorial. I have a couple pics you can check and see if it’s similar to what you have.

Make sure your cotton contacts the entire ID of your coil or you will get hot spots. That may be where the burnt taste is coming from.


Perfect pic. I just rewicked and it pretty much looks just like that. Next step is to figure out how to keep the damn cat hair out of my cotton!


Just loaned my Billow V2 to my son for a week while he’s on vacation. Told him he was going to be spoiled by the time he got back. The Billow V2 is by far one of my favorite tanks. Between that one and the Goliath V1 or V2, you can’t go wrong!


I find it gives my vape a nice feline quality that no juice has matched yet. :yum:


…and there is a distinct difference between the white, grey, orange, red, yellow and black hair! Subtle, but it’s there.


I have all those flavours and they are TDF! Between me and you, why you think cathousevapor is doing so well?
Ps Tuscan Cognac Cream with grey and yellow is the bomb. Don’t try it with the black, that’s a little too much.

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I have been told that Pet Fish are good flavors to vape as well. They come in Gold, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, and many other flavors as well. I have been thinking of trying the Gold flavor or perhaps the Blue flavor. Problem is I keep leaning towards the GREEN AROUND THE GILLS flavor. Choices, choices, what is a guy to do…lol

PS: Some say it’s best to stay away from the Yellow. Apparently they’re saying it compares to yellow snow…Wonder what they mean by that…


You be surprised what you accomplish with frothing, warm baths and time! Don’t knock it, it’s an acquired taste.
I would love to try a Pet Fish, but my Cats always beat me to it.

[quote=“ringling, post:13, topic:25905”]
GREEN AROUND THE GILLS flavour.[/quote]Isn’t that the main ingredient in ass juice?


Why yes, yes it is! That and yellow snow from what they tell me…


Could you sell me some? I have tried my hand at it, but I’m a noob and lack the refinement. Since you own a vapeshop…


No refinement, no Green Around The Gills flavor. Sorry, that’s just the way it is…lol


This thread has taken the strangest turn :anguished:


They sometimes run away and end up in a Zoo.

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And sometimes I like to just sit by and watch what happens next! Very exciting!