Busy as a Beaver

As I mentioned in a previous post, I started a new job that has me on the road for weeks at a time. After raising my kids, I now have a job that takes me away from home and I love it! One of the perks is that I get to visit new places of interest. Last weekend I was in Birmingham, AL and I picked up The Falcon (not the Alchemist). I have to say…I absolutely love this tank. It definitely lives up to the hype I’ve read and heard about.

I also mixed up my first major batch of juice and am currently vaping on some “Smooth Morning Kick”. Just out of curiosity I added all my flavors to “my flavor stash” to see how many recipes I could make with just the flavors I already have and was shocked to see I can make over 4 pages of recipes that are listed here. If I didn’t have to be up in 4 hours, I’d be mixing all night!

To my surprise I have been gifted with a new vape (well…it’ll be mine once it gets here). It’s a Vaporesso Luxe ZV Rainbow. I’m really excited to get it since I’ve been eying it for a couple of months.

I didn’t give much thought to the “rabbit hole” that has been mentioned several times while welcoming people to the forum. Let me tell you…it’s a real thing! I have found myself contemplating more flavors (I ordered 20 plus 15 were free on my first order) even though I haven’t made many recipes yet. I have also purchased 2 attys (FreeMax Pro and The Falcon), 2 RTAs (Kylin Mini and Zeus Dual Coil), and 2 vape kits (iJoy’s Captain and VooPoo’s Drag 2) in the last 8 weeks. I have justified it to myself that I’m not smoking AND I’m having a blast at the same time! Now with the Vaporesso Luxe ZV Rainbow on the way, I don’t know that I’ll be able to choose which one will be my favorite. :joy:

Y’all have really made me feel welcome and I have missed being able to check in daily. Since I’m on 3rd shift and doing the job I’m doing, I literally work for 8 hours, eat when I get off work, change into night clothes, and then fall into bed and sleep the sleep of the dead until it’s time to get up and shower then do it all again the next day.



These are my “favorite” I use them every day. Oh the " Rabbit Hole " I have climbed in.


The old saying “Variety is the spice of life” couldn’t be more true when it comes to DIY and all things vape related.
Guitar players will tell you we are on that eternal quest in search of that “Perfect Tone”. As such, we tend to buy guitars, effects pedals, amps etc in an attempt to get that tone. It’s a phenom called G.A.S (Gear Acquisition Syndrome).

In the vaping world, at least for me, it’s the same thing. (but not quite as expensive as the other one.) New products, new technology, better ways to do what we do.
And It sounds like you are becoming ‘afflicted’ by the syndrome! :sunglasses: