Buying Concentrate Samples?

I got into mixing my own juices maybe just half a year ago or so. Since then ive become addicted to collecting as many as i could like a lot of you no doubt. This website is probably mostly responsible for my ‘gotta get them all’ addiction. Adding new flavours to my stash, as soon as ive ordered them (not recieved) and clicking the ‘what can i make’ is one of the small pleasures i have in life.

Ive made a hell of a lot mistakes and have at least 100 concentrates ive never even used before. I went TPA and Capella daft and now due to HIC recipes im now going FA ‘daft’.

Anyhow to get to the point i have had difficulty getting sample sized bottles in the UK till i found, and i hope this wont be thought of as spam, till i found

Their USA based but only charge a tenner for delivery to the UK and they are a great way for me to get all the FA concentrates i need to get started on some HIC recipes.

Does anyone know of any other places to buy sample sizes for inewera etc?



I was just thinking it would be really nice to have a way to order samples. TPA does a couple sample packs and Capella does two (as in two packs atm…summer and tobacco), but I hadn’t found any for Flavor Art. Thanks! I’m already making a list of stuff I want to try. :smile: sells samples, I think…

Now that you mention it, I do remember seeing that. I was hesitant to buy direct since shipping to US is almost $16. Thats like five more 10ml bottles of flavoring. :stuck_out_tongue: But, you’re right. They do have samples and I totally forgot! Thanks. :blush: